Barrett Group Client Landings Surge!

During the first six weeks of 2024 executive clients of The Barrett Group (TBG) landed their targeted positions at a rate that is 19% ahead of the prior year. That is on par with the post-pandemic tsunami of 2022.

“We are very pleased to see our clients’ hard work rewarded as more than one has landed per day so far this year,” TBG’s CEO, Marion Engelke explains. “But the really exciting fact is the quality of the positions they are landing. More than a dozen signed on to C-level roles—an unprecedented achievement!”

Indeed, six clients landed CEO roles while others landed an assortment of other C-level titles [see Clients’ New Titles chart]. Heads of function and senior manager roles were also significant in the most recent wave of landings. Following were vice presidents and a collection of titles, including senior counsel and professor, which are less easily ranked organizationally.

True to form for TBG clients, in the latest week, 80% of these successful clients landed through positions that were not even advertised!

“Three-quarters of our clients typically land their executive roles through what we call the unpublished market,” Engelke reports. “These are positions so new that in many cases neither job descriptions nor compensation guidelines have been set. Essentially, the hiring manager knows only that he or she has a gap, a need, or an opportunity. But they have no adequate resources to address it. Naturally, when our client appears with perhaps 80% of what the hiring manager is looking for, the client can often negotiate. They can negotiate not only an exceptional compensation package but also the specific parameters of the role itself—without competition!”

Here’s how one successful client summarized his TBG experience:

The TBG training was quite effective! […] when it came to money, my first offer was a low-ball, but I walked away with compensation that was above the top range. I would not have had the confidence to negotiate that prior to [working with] George [his TBG consultant]!

If I hadn’t had The Barrett Group walking me down the path and teaching me how to use today’s job search tools, I would not have landed where I did. My relationship with The Barrett Group isn’t a client-agent relationship, it’s a partnership. [Adam Snead, Read Review.]

Now in its 33rd year of continuous operation, it is no wonder that TBG knows how to leverage compensation opportunities during the all-important package negotiation phase.

TBG works across all industries. By contrast, recruiters rely on a specific search request from an employer and are, therefore, specialized in specific industrial segments. [See Clients’ Industries chart.]

“Clients often ask us if we are experts in their industries,” Engelke says. “Our clients are typically already experts in their industries, so what they need is a methodology. Our approach has been proven over more than three decades to work in virtually all industries.”

TBG is so effective that the company has been cited by Forbes for years as one of the best in the industry. [Read More.]

Perhaps your search has just begun, has been running for months, or remains only a possible future initiative. Regardless, searching for an appropriate executive position in the 21st century requires more than a little luck. 

Save yourself time, effort, and frustration. Hire The Barrett Group to help you effect your dreams.

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