Man having a business meeting and signing a contract, recruitment or agreement.

Clarity Testimonials: What our clients are saying about their Clarity Program © experience

  • "I will admit that before starting on the Clarity Program I was somewhat skeptical, as I thought I was pretty clear about my career objectives. Once I started on the Clarity Program it became clear to me that there was a whole other level of clarity I could achieve, and as I went through the program with the assistance of my coach, I reached a level of clarity that I didn't think was possible. I now have a crystal clear vision for what I want from my next career move, along with the core values and requirements I am not willing to compromise on. I also have a clear sense of the steps I need to take in order to stay true to my core values as I achieve the goals I have set for myself. This was an excellent process and well worth the investment of time. "

    - Dush Ramachandran

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    "By assessing my skills, I feel more confident on my work, and my interpersonal communication with the environment. I learned how to control my weakness and identify and implement my strengths."

    - Annalisa Bellavia

  • Successful businessman standing in office

    "The Clarity program was an eye-opener for me. It cleared so many clouded doubts I had within myself. I am hoping this will pave my path in refining my search towards specific industry and also focusing towards my strength through collaboration and gratification, which are the two pillars of my leadership skills. Through this Clarity Program I realized that culture and DEI are important aspects for me in any company I work for. Thank you for the Clarity Program!"

    - Arun Sundararaman

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    "The Clarity Program is not just for those who want to learn more about themselves to achieve success; it is more to gain a happier sense of success. You can be the most confident person in interviews, negotiations, meetings, etc., but if you do not seek to better your understanding of yourself and your happiness, that success will not mean near as much. The Clarity Program provides insight into who you are as a person, both professionally and personally, and your 'why.' Their counseling to go into depth on communication styles and how to go through your career with your best foot forward is unmatched. They provide the tools to help you understand who you are and where you want to go, and they genuinely want you to be happy with your choices. They make you believe you are worth it because you are."

    - Janee Stanton

  • Portrait of an African American man at work.

    "The Clarity Program helped me think through the steps needed to achieve my goals and the discussion and input from my coach was helpful in creating more focus on what I need to do. "

    - Leonard Wee

  • Mature business woman.

    "Although I have engaged in many different types of assessments to measure my strengths, areas for growth, emotional intelligence, etc., I have never taken the time to make a specific plan for how I can find the right organization for me. The Clarity Program, with the help of my Clarity Coach, truly allowed me to see myself as an asset for an organization. The program helped me switch my focus from trying to fit into an organization to seeking the organization that best fits me. My coach and I made measurable goals that will allow me to stay focused on my career priorities. For the first time in my career, I am actually excited about what the future holds for me. "

    - Hannah Geddy

  • A mature, well dressed, metro man with arms folded in an urban street scene.

    "Before embarking on my journey to a new career, I have engaged the Barrett Group to guide me through the current job market. So far, my expectations have been absolutely blown out of the water, in a good way. The Clarity Program is exactly as it states in the title - a program that provides clarity. This has me reflecting on the past, actively changing things in the present, and creating future intentions. I have clear and concise goals set for the future. I have a picture painted in my head of what life could be like with the right job. I have been truly and deeply moved by the Clarity Program; it has touched my heart and soul. My clarity coach has been utterly top notch. Setting and prioritizing my goals is so exciting to see written out, much less having the real chance to reach them. The DISC system and SMART system are both great tools to know and use in every day life. I have given a great amount of focus and attention to the Clarity Program in a short amount of time, and I know it will be paying dividends soon!"

    - Kevin Johnston

  • Closeup of Happy Handsome Business Leader

    "The Program does what it says! It provides clarity to individuals to help them understand all the factors that are important and what part they play in any future role/change. This holistic approach is important to ensure you find the right fit which is rewarding and sustainable - the journey is about being fulfilled rather than just a new job. Being clear on what you want not only allows laser sharp focus but also ensures you don't compromise or deviate to something that is not right for you."

    - Syed Shah

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    "The Clarity Program has really opened up my mind to how choosing a career should be more than just a good company and great compensation. It needs to be a good fit for me with health, family and social aspects as well. I will certainly think about all of this when choosing a role going forward. The Clarity Program really made me dissect myself in a very good way. It made me think out of the box and look at what I truly want in life, not just now but in 5 years and in 10 years. "

    - Amee Lile-Schrock

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    "This program didn't just help me verbalize what I wanted to achieve. It also laid out a plan and mindset when I search companies that align with my journey."

    - Vijay Sardeshpande

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