Author: P

Tomorrow's Timeless Allure

Tomorrow’s Timeless Allure

Ever since humanity invented “tomorrow” as much as 160,000 years ago the day after today has held a special place in our pantheon of excuses for not doing something now. After all, to quote Orphan Annie, “How I love you, tomorrow! You’re always a day away.” In other words, tomorrow actually never...

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Summer Time and the Landing is Easy

With apologies to George Gershwin, it is summer time in the northern hemisphere and while many executives think finding their next executive opportunity must wait until the fall, our clients know better—and they make it look easy. In fact, some three dozen of them landed employment contracts or attractive...

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Provoking Serendipity

Some years ago I was rushing from one business obligation to another, winding my way on icy, winter roads through northwestern Germany. My mind was on the business, the challenges, possible solutions, and, of course, on the road. Suddenly, as I rounded a curve and started down a hill, I saw movement...

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What a Wonderful Week!

Its a wonderful week! Imagine—eight senior executive clients landed or received offers in the latest week! Due to our careful attention to client confidentiality, we cannot tell you their names, of course, but we can tell you more about their results. They landed with titles including CEO, Head of...

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INDUSTRY UPDATE: Manufacturing

Introduction to Industry Update: Manufacturing At its peak in 1979, manufacturing accounted for 22% of non-farm employment in the US. It now totals about 9%, equating to approximately 11% of GDP. [See source.] Recovery from the pandemic and the resultant surge in consumption helped bring renewed life...

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INDUSTRY UPDATE: Human Resources

Introduction – Human Resources In researching this Industry Update, we encountered numerous assertions that now is the time for Human Resource executives and professionals to really shine. One source put it like this: “I’ve worked in the HR industry now for a quarter of a century, and by my...

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Is Fear Freezing Your Resolve

Is Fear Freezing Your Resolve?

We all know the feeling… Hair prickling. Hands and teeth clenched. Clammy palms. Frozen limbs. Staring eyes. Rapid pulse. Helplessness… Yes, it’s our age-old friend FEAR come to visit. The question is, why? Fear is a normal, even helpful reaction we are told, one programmed in by evolution. Blood...

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