Author: P

Five Tips to Get Your Career in Gear

Five Tips to Get Your Career in Gear

All year long executives come to us complaining about their careers. Frankly, we welcome their complaints because acknowledging dissatisfaction is the first step toward addressing it. We help executives migrate from dissatisfaction to success. Here are a few tips we can share based on our 35 years...

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Time is Running Out

Time is Running Out

Often executives put up with too much work, obnoxious colleagues, low pay, little recognition, a lack of fulfillment… putting off a change for another day, another week, another month, another year… until their careers have slipped by them even as their bitterness and frustration grow.

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Research to the Rescue

Research to the Rescue

Many executives have absolutely no idea how to find a suitable position in today’s market. In all these cases and many more, we calmly start by helping them slow down…to speed up. We know how to manage the complex business of winnowing down a market approach to a manageable strategy.

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Look Who’s Landing!

Look Who’s Landing!

It is so easy to be distracted by all the doom and gloom in the world, but there is one bright spot: Our clients are landing executive positions at a prodigious rate! And not just any positions, but worthy ones and well-rewarded.

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When Life Hands You Lemmings…

When Life Hands You Lemmings…

At the end of July a hiccup in the labor market spooked stock markets and many investors headed for the exits. Indeed, there may well be reasons to consider stocks overvalued, but not because of the labor markets, and especially not the market for executives.

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Good News for the Power-Hungry

Good News for the Power-Hungry

Is your career plugged in, un-plugged, or plugged up?  Why ask? Because the global industrial landscape is about to shift violently as solar power becomes the center of gravity. Your industry will likely be savagely affected by this transition, so now is the time to think more critically about what...

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“Mañana” Is So Yesterday!

“Mañana” Is So Yesterday!

Career change rarely offers instant gratification. It requires an investment of time, planning, effort, even money. And postponing the work involved only slows your chances of making the career leap you’ve been dreaming of. So, why put it off until tomorrow? Use the summer to get ahead!

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