Today Is The Day

Most of our clients have a specific reason for pushing the button and getting started with their career change programs. Our Senior Career Consultants capture these reasons in brief orientation messages.  Here are three examples:


Heidi is fed up with her present employer. She runs sales for a mortgage company and the owner has eliminated the bonus structure. As a result, she has lost $100K from her income. The environment has become toxic in that the family members no longer include her (as SVP) in their strategy meetings.  

She needs to move on and secure a leadership role in sales. 

Heidi enjoys managing and training other salespeople. However, she wants a bigger company that offers benefits and a real bonus/commission program.  Her ultimate goal, however, is to become a CEO but she needs to find the right platform in order to get on that track.  She could stay in the mortgage industry but is also interested in looking beyond to where else she can leverage her skills.  Her base is $155K and with bonus until recently she was making $225-250K.  She wants a $155K base and the potential to make $200K.  Although she is located in Florida, she would consider a relocation.


Mickey is taking a severance package from an aviation company.  He was a technical and operations director.  Mickey is also retired military.  He wants to move up to a V.P. role.  He is currently 52 and has made $192k.  Mickey has a master’s degree and he wants to move from Virginia to California with his wife and new baby. 

He has never looked for work.  

His former employer is co-funding his outplacement services.   He likes excitement, making an impact, a high degree of autonomy, and the opportunity to create trust while building a team.  Previously he was in the restaurant/hospitality industry for 20 years and now he is ready for a change.  He seems quite coachable and open to new industries.  

Fundamentally, we need to help him consider career alternatives, determine the right direction, and then develop and execute a clear career plan. 


Daniel has been unemployed for 6 months and is very frustrated with his search.  He sent out 1,000 resumes, has had 25 interviews, but so far, no offers.  At age 53, he wants to stay in Houston.  He cannot relocate but business travel would be OK.  He is ready to go to work today, if he is offered the right opportunity.

Daniel really wants to explore different strategies.  

Nothing seems to be working for Daniel.  He has also tried recruiters. Daniel believes we can help him in every area of his search.  He really likes autonomy in his work and wants to make a difference solving problems and providing leadership.  Daniel is truly a nice guy and knows he needs help. 


As I have mentioned before, for 30 years the Barrett Group has been helping executives and managers just like these to clarify their career objectives and then go out and get the job of their choice— typically within three to six months if they follow our process.

We start with the Clarity Program© that helps clients clarify who they really are and what they really want.  Here’s what one recent client said about the program:

“This has been a terrific experience and time of personal growth which I have not experienced before.  Julie [his Clarity Coach] is amazing. She made me dig into my personal and professional thoughts and out came a very succinct and well thought out plan for personal and professional success.  I have no criticism, only praise.”  [Sam Perossa, Q4 ‘2019]

So, what are you waiting for?  Whether you are frustrated, fed up, passed over, unemployed, bored… whatever the reason you want to make a professional change…

Today is the day!  Give us a call.

Peter Irish, CEO
The Barrett Group

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