Tag: executive jobs


Two Heads Are Better Than One

What does the phrase “Two heads are better than one” mean? Sometimes it simply means sharing your thoughts and feelings with someone you trust who can give you an external perspective. From a career point of view in my experience, people appreciate a second opinion. They value the professional...

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Your money or your life

“Your money or your life?” We have usually associated these words with an act of robbery, however, now they seem to be more related to employment.  At many levels of society people are making the choice to work and expose themselves to the Covid-19 virus or to minimize their exposure—with...

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Are You Ready for The Recovery?

Recently, I was trolling through government statistics. I wanted to understand the recovery and where we really are. I researched numbers from the US Department of Commerce. Then, I looked to the Federal Reserve (Richmond) (Fed). And next, I researched the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). There...

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Are You Truly Trustworthy?

It is odd to think of most employers as gamblers.  Yet, clearly, in hiring new employees, companies actively gamble that they can pick reliable people who will add value—especially at the executive level.  More than any other value, it is the quality of trust—being able to trust an employee. Trust...

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Twenty-eight Happy Clients

There is much talk about life after Covid-19 at the moment. It seems a little premature to me, because the virus continues to hugely impact our daily lives and is likely to remain a continuous threat for a year or more. In his recent contribution to the Economist’s series on “the world after Covid-19,”...

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It’s Alright To Lie On A Resume, Right?

Hyperbole in news reporting is mainstream. Doctoring a profile picture to look younger is an everyday event. So, what difference does a little lie on your resume make? The answer, I hope, is obvious, but let’s consider why people are tempted to lie on their resumes in the first place. One reason is...

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The Hole In Your Soul

The Hole In Your Soul

Would you consider yourself satisfied?  I mean, in general, with your day to day existence, your work, your life?  The Covid-19 crisis may leave you with time to reflect on this key question and reveal – a hole in your soul. Most people we encounter can imagine a better life. For example, more...

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Undervaluing Your Most Valuable Asset

To value something or someone is a complex concept when you reflect on it. You might value your relationship with your spouse or other loved one, but you would generally never put a monetary value on it, right? You might value your house by looking at comparable houses and their recent selling...

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