
The Hiring Line:
1. George Schulz shared a big win from his client B., who landed in the aerospace industry. The initial offer included a move, which was not ideal for B.’s family. George gave B. this advice: “Once a company makes an offer, you are in the driver’s seat because you are the one they want.” The company also has a location near the beach. B. negotiated for the beach location and a $20,000 increase in salary. B. is also being considered for work as a contractor which would not involve any moving but has accepted the position with the aerospace company at this point.
2. Waffles Natusch heard some great news from K. and D.
-“It’s a done deal! I officially start [in early August]. Thank you for helping me get here! Now it’s my time to deliver greatness! Have a wonderful weekend!” -K.
-“I have relocated to Rhode Island! It’s been a very busy two months, but I am here now. I accepted the job as [Vice President]… Will be in touch next week. I’d love to have lunch with you!” -D.
3. Julie Mathern’s client H. updated her on his landing: “Hi Julie. [The chemical manufacturing company] finally sent their offer. It pretty much matches my last compensation with [the natural gas company]. The location is 1:10 hour from me, but they pay relocation assistance. I plan to buy a 2nd home nearby. So, all in all, I think not a bad deal. So, my start date is [mid-August]… I would like to thank you for your support and help throughout this process.” -H.
4. Paula Nordhoff’s client P. accepted his offer today for the position with a foodservice corporation. Paula is guiding him through the negotiation process as we speak!
1. Paula also let us know in passing that D. got an offer! Already upped the offer $20K and arranged a $15K sign on bonus!
2. Isabelita Castilho received updates from A. and R.
-“Hope you are doing well. I have an Offer In Principle that didn’t detail anything apart from the salary which is $240K USD… I have spoken to [the company] and they have no issues with anything I have requested in terms of Pension and Bonus. Will let you know but this is around 25% more than my previous salary, so I don’t see any issues.” -A.
– “Hi Isabelita, [the airline company has] made an offer and I have uploaded it to the shared drive. If you compare total packages and based on a standard bonus is 20,000 euro less than what I am on. I have reverted to clarify if the bonus is 6 months of 60%. Also, [the airline company is] silent on school fees and flights, so I have not included them in the compensation package. Housing is cheaper than [my current location]. I’m going to speak with two friends who know [the area] to find out about housing and schools. I need your expertise on how to revert back to [the airline company] and leverage the package up.”- R. This prompted a quick response by Isabelita!
3. R. filled Anne Lipsitz in on his progress:
– [IT company]: live interviews done, four different people, now checking references prior to making an offer.
-[Automation solutions company]: Former employer from way back when, they have me on a commission deal while they consider me for other opportunities.
-[Collaboration software company]: interviewed by HR manager, they are saying 4-6 weeks for the entire process.
-[Data company]: I have been consulting with them for over a year, and once they heard I might be off the market as a consultant, they are now talking internally about making an offer.
-[Technology company]: meeting with their CEO and President next week. They are a tech company, recommended by a contact. “So…things are moving!” -R.
4. Waffles and Julie reviewed and suggested edits to A.’s consulting agreement. His response: “Thank you! [The apparel team] is trying to answer if there is an attractive opportunity in providing … technology to Pharma industry for clinical trials.”
5. Jerry’s client M. received an offer from a computer software company. Jerry is assisting with negotiations, with technical assistance from Waffles. M. is also expecting competing offers from a restaurant corporation and a property management company.
Interviews Advance:
1. Lori Chevalier relayed an update from her clients G., V., and Y.
– G. is pursuing an executive role at a lighting company: “I found an exciting job vacancy on LinkedIn and figured out the hiring manager and our mutual connections on LinkedIn. I approached my preferred connection (who had just been promoted) and I got the hiring manager’s email. [After contacting] the hiring manager directly to have a chat to learn more [I was] contacted by the HR partner. We had an informal conversation and she offered setting up a meeting with the hiring manager and CEO of the business. I talked to my preferred connection again and he offered to formally recommend me for the position. I updated him on my background, qualifications and experience so he was prepared in case they would contact him. The HR partner indeed had a conversation with him and decided to set up the meeting with the hiring manager. She just called me to let me know.” -G. Way to go, G.!
-V. reports that his opportunity with a manufacturing company is progressing well. “After meeting with the Headhunter [in July], I had two interviews: the CEO and COO combined, and the CCO and Head of HR combined. Interviews went well, so the process continues: [In early August], I have a full day assessment; [in late August], they want me to present my view on [the company]; [followed by] informal dinner and contract negotiations. So looks promising. Indicated base salary range is 150-180k EUR and 20% bonus.” V. is at the start of the process for two other roles through headhunters: 1) Regional Head in Asia for a packaging company and 2) European General Manager role for a manufacturing company.
– Y.’s third-party recruiter launch was very successful! She has had several interviews scheduled. She had two interviews with a consumer pharmacy company. Both individuals indicated her background was a good fit for their needs. Y. is waiting for the next steps! She had yet another interview with a local consulting firm and was contacted via LinkedIn and had an interview yesterday for a Supervisor role. It went well, and she’s waiting on next steps! She additionally has been invited to round three for a risk management role for a credit card company. They invited her to several Zoom interviews with the Risk & Management Team for 3-4 hours!
2. George shared that H. has the second interview scheduled at a cybersecurity consulting company for Team Lead!
3. Paula relayed that J. got an interview with an East Coast recruiting firm: “Hello Paula…just FYI had a great interview…it is recruiter position with opportunities for management. Seems like a great company and I like the flexibility. Thanks!” -J.
4. K. had this update for Paula and Waffles: “Hello, and I hope that you are both well. I want to provide a quick update from my side… I joined [a legal consulting firm] and I am currently interviewing for consulting roles, including one with [a banking] team. All roles are remote and give geographic flexibility in respect of access to clients. I feel that this is a good opportunity to transition my career and experience to the domestic stage and will provide me with interim income while my ongoing search continues. Best wishes.” -K.
1. Lori had interview updates from several clients.
-“I just met with S. for orientation, and he informed me he has an interview today for a Director [role at an IT solutions company]. S. immediately went into Interview Prep mode and prepared him with how to organize his qualitative / quantitative metric answers to showcase his skills. I provided guidance on the compensation conversation and provided questions for him to ask to showcase his interest in the company and the position. Go S.! :)” -Lori
-H. had an interview on Tuesday with a consulting company for a VP role, after doing quite well in an interview with an engineering IT company a week before. H. hadn’t interviewed for quite a while and overcame apprehension through preparation. As a result, he felt confident in the interview process. He’s waiting on the next steps on both positions and is ready for more interviews!
-V. has an interview with a medical organization for a Director position. She has also been contacted for an interview at a legal organization.
-I. applied for a position and has been contacted by HR for an interview for a VP role at a talent company.
-D. has been active since signing on with TBG. She applied to a manufacturing company for a Senior Manager role and has already had an HR screen and has her 2nd interview tomorrow! She also has a 3rd interview with a market research group for a Director role. They really like her and are trying to develop a role that encompasses her skillset!
2. Isabelita’s clients T. and B. brought her up to speed:
-“I have two new projects just started – one from LinkedIn job boards and one from a recommendation. For the first one, I have already had a meeting and it seems there will be one with hiring team sometime next week. This is [for a General Manager role at a health technology company]. The other one is for CEO of a healthcare company.” – T.
-“I’ve been enjoying some time off but did have two more conversations. Spoke to the new CEO [of a payment processing company] who will start [in early September]. We used 30 min as a meet & greet and agreed to speak when he starts forming his team. I think the chat went well and there was a click. I had 1.5 hours on Zoom with the CEO [of a logistics service] who insisted that he do the initial interviews and would introduce his team during the next round. It went well, the role sounds exciting, and I thought there was a connection. The CEO will update the executive recruiter at the end of the week with the short list.” -B.
3. C. reached out to Waffles for interview coaching for his upcoming meeting about the position of Director of a construction project management company. Paula’s client G. is interviewing at a specialty chemicals company and their parent company a private equity company. Barbara Limmer’s client M. interviewed with four partners at a professional service firm for different roles. Rebeca Gelencser’s client O. had a “discovery” interview at an investment banking company. Dan’s client Z. is interviewing for CEO at a hospital. George’s client E. interviewed this week at [a healthcare facility] for Director opportunity. He had applied successfully online to a job posting. He thought it went well and is awaiting next steps. Vivek Agarwal is pleased to announce his client U.’s program has progressed to the interview stage with an IT company. Anne’s client A. is interviewing at a furniture company for a vice-president position. She also has another interview with a production company for a vice-president role. Good luck to everyone!
Barrett Group Connections
1. George announces: “K. had a first interview with [a bank] for [a management position]. He applied online and was selected for an HR screening. The screener is recommending that the Hiring Manager interview him next. I also set him up with a call with my Phase 3 client, G., who has had several banking jobs in the same area. G. gave him the names of six recruiters who had helped him, and with his help two have already contacted K. to talk about possible positions. The Barrett Group network works!”
2. P. shared the power of networking introductions made possible by Isabelita’s social capital: “I had the [construction industry] Dinner, it was also very interesting, quick intro on both sides and we spent a full hour talking about Finance team reorganization and performance management in a Project based business. Finally, he did ask me to send him directly my CV.” -P.
“Thank you and I could not have done it without you. Thank you, my friend!!! Will have you and the wife over soon for dinner and drinks!” B.