
The Hiring Line:
Lori’s client G. accepted the offer at a manufacturer and marketer of plastic packaging products as the Global Marketing Director! The offer came in lower than anticipated, so after Lori provided expert coaching to G. on his compensation talk track, he went back to the table, and upped the base $10,000 – and accepted! 🙂
The position required a relo, but G. also inquired about remote options, and negotiated a three day on-site and two day remote! Go G.!! 💃
Thanks, Lori, for your excellent work as always!
The Remote Gig Economy:
- Our client S. has begun some Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training facilitation and project consulting with a healthcare consulting firm out of the Midwest, which he is doing from a southern state!
Interviews Progress:
- Lori again:
“L. has a 2nd interview with [a renowned conference center] Friday afternoon! The one last week was with three administrators. Woo hoo! :)”
Waffles’ client K.:
“I have one interview (of 6 total) left with [the provider of cashless business management solutions] and the recruiter reached out today asking me for my salary requirements. He had an interesting story as to why – they know they’ll need to ask the Board for more than originally budgeted. And there’s a bit more to the story that I’ll share. He eventually shared what the budget is, which is drastically below my target total comp. It was an interesting conversation and I’d like coaching on how to respond to his request. I asked him for more info on bonus and benefits before I can get back to him. He’s working on it.”
Waffles is meeting with her later today to strategize.
From Anne’s Corner:
Her client B. had a busy week:
“She had an interview with [a marketing company] on Monday and moving forward to next round, had two great recruiter calls as a result of our recruiter mailing with global supply chain recruiters, with one of them talking to her internally about supporting their business as a supply chain consultant!”
Anne’s client B. is advancing with a weather insights company, her interview with the CEO went well. She has also infiltrated relationships at a non-governmental organization for a job that she wants as Director.
And P. is at an electric vehicle and clean energy company, however, his unit is being dissolved and his role is unstable. He has an interview as Program Manager with a government agency and also a media company as the COO next week. We see you are keeping busy, Anne!
Paula’s client H.’s position as Communications Manager at an insurance company was only part-time (which was ridiculous given the job description). Management has seen the light and made it a full- time role. H.’s contact let her know right away and worked his magic. She has an interview with the HM this week! Following Paula’s advice about putting her human capital to work is paying off as well: her former HR recruiter called her about an opening at his new company! Way to go, Paula!
- It’s the trifecta for M. as the summer heats up! She reported in to Waffles:
- “I am talking to the GC at [a learning platform] tomorrow. Yeeeeek. I am excited but also nervous. He’s had some cool jobs…”
- “I am meeting with the [ed tech’s] CFO [this week]. I am nervous about this one – the recruiter warned me he’s a tough interviewer. I’m prepping as much as I can on IPO and M&A.”
- “[Later this week] for a 3 HOUR BLOCK, I’m talking to the rest of the exec team at [another ed tech firm]. Roster includes: COO, CEO and General Counsel & SVP of Compliance (the potential boss). It’s SUCH a long block of time…. any advice besides staying hydrated?”
Paula shares:
“M. is having second interviews with [a life insurance company] – for a Director of Customer Experience role with the Head of Customer Engagement and HR.”
One more from Paula:
“B. is advancing in her interviews again this week with [a distributer of automotive parts] for a Supply Chain Executive role – she is one of three finalists. She is also meeting with an investment firm to possibly be an advisor for them on potential retail investments.”
Keep it up, Paula!
- Jayson’s client C. is in the third round of interviews at a broadcast company and his networking continues with several friends who have early startups. He’s also been recruited for an opportunity at a healthcare company and is meeting the president next week!
More good news from Paula: C. was contacted by a recruiter and is meeting with the president of an applicant tracking software firm for a C-suite role!
George slipped this one in, with a punch line:
“T. spoke to a recruiter about a job they had posted, and after interviewing him for the client company, she then interviewed him to become a trainer with her company!”
Anne took H. over and her first call with him was about the success of an interview with a drive technology company for the Regional Sales Manager role. He said he used all the Barrett lessons to have a great networking call with a direct connect from the CEO via LinkedIn. He is on to the 2nd round. Yay, Barrett Team!
Lori shares:
“M. was approached by [a recruiting firm] for a Director Marketing Strategy role in [an appliance manufacturer] and has an interview scheduled for this week!” 🙂
Jerry’s client J. is interviewing at a provider of driving assistance services this week.
Another for Jerry! Client M. interviewed with a non-profit for an IT position in finance. A 2nd interview is scheduled for next week with the vice president.
Waffles’ client S. brought him up to speed:
“I have an interview scheduled with [a building component manufacturer]. My interview with [a financial planning platform] for the Director of Strategic Initiatives earlier this week went very smoothly; I’m optimistic.”
Lori’s client C. was contacted by a headhunter for a CFO role at a manufacturer of metal components in Europe. His interview is this later this week! 🙂
Dan’s client D. hadn’t even sent his personal survey in when he needed interview coaching for four interviews he was having at a health and wellness company, an unpublished role he found through his well-placed connection there. Dan is on vacation this week, so Waffles jumped in and gave him the coaching.
Jerry dropped these ringers in right before press time:
His client S. interviewed with a software firm for the Country Manager position in the Middle East. Despite technical glitches which cut the interview short, he is waiting for the 2nd interview with the president to be scheduled.
It’s is the 2nd interview for N. with a biotech firm for the Director of IT. He is also scheduled for a panel interview on Friday.
And J. will be interviewing with four people later this week for the Director of Operations position with a science company. The last interview will be 2nd with the hiring manager. This opportunity started right after our orientation meeting.
And we finish up with three from George:
He tells us that K. interviewed at a health organization: he had lunch with the Director of Marketing Communications, who he knows and who is trying to come up with a position for him.
His client T. “heard that his old boss had just become CEO of [a clothing manufacturer] recently. T. contacted him to congratulate him, and he immediately asked T. to lunch to help with a turnaround position to the firm. My advice to T.: if your old boss wants to talk to you about a new job, you probably ought to take the interview, especially if he is the new CEO of a company looking for a turnaround!”
We agree, George!
And M. interviewed with an investment firm for a Special Assistant to Portfolio Co. CEO position. Notes: This is a parent PE company. The position is for a portfolio company. He would report to the CEO and would be groomed to eventually become a CEO of another portfolio company.
For Paula from her client M.:
“Hi Paula, just a quick note of thanks for all of the support you and your team have provided thus far. I am very pleased with the momentum.
It was also a pleasure catching up today. I always enjoy speaking with you. You have so much to offer, and I am fortunate to have you as my coach.
Onward and Upward!
Thank you again Paula.
Respectfully, M.”
From Julie Norwell’s interview:
Bob Meara landed twice in 12 months thanks to the help of TBG. Best of all, he went from $70K to $220 in compensation! He is very appreciative of George and TBG and gives a lot of credit to TBG’s program for his success, saying, “The proof is in the pudding!”
Bob’s career consultant was George Schulz and Bob felt George was a good pairing for him. He said that George has a lot of experience and is great at what he does. Bob took the time he needed to understand Bob’s situation and offer feedback on all the ways in which he could make himself more marketable. He learned stuff he’d never thought about before.
To Lori from her client C.:
“Hi Lori,
I feel a bit like a racehorse that is itching to go flat out but I am holding back until the time is right (when everyone is on board with the strategy). I am confident that the slow and steady approach will pay off in the long term and will try not let it frustrate me in the short term. Appreciate all the help and guidance, it has been invaluable. I am learning a lot particularly about myself and how I approach to many things.
Kind regards, C.”
Rebeca’s client B. wrote this on LinkedIn:
“I have experienced Rebeca as a great professional and person.
– Her broad interests and knowledge help you to put things into perspective.
– She knows how the world and businesses work and is great in aligning to that.
– Her drive and tenacity push forward; she never stands still.
– Rebeca has a clear view and goal on what she wants to offer you.
– She analyzes very well but is sensitive too and pinpoints (behavioral) patterns right away.
– By nature, she sees the opportunities and focuses on that with enthusiasm and optimism.”
Read next: Frontline Report for 05-12-21