
Hiring Line Stats:
Offers Accepted: 2
Offers Received: 2
Interviews Advanced: 2
1st Interviews: 10
Interview with Recruiter: 1
Offers Accepted:
1. Lori Chevalier’s client R. accepted the offer from an appraisal company where she is a director. She made a transition from accounting to government. This one was from a job posting. She made the move in slightly over two months. The original offer was $110K salary and went to $130K + 7% 401(k) and benefits.
2. Asli Bilgin’s client Y. is now the CEO of a regional company. Amount of initial offer: 120K salary + 40% commission from first year new customer sales. Amount of final offer: 10K salary + 35% commission for 2 full years new customer sales.
Offers Received
1. Lori Chevalier’s client V. received an offer from an operator that offers backcountry race experiences as race director.
2. Ramesh Shivakumaran’s client K. received an offer from a communications company for manager.
Interviews Advance
1. Lori Chevalier and Waffles Natusch’s client T. advances at a multinational company for a management position.
2. Ramesh Shivakumaran’s client A. advances at a firm for global director.
1. Debbie Brupbacher’s client G. and D.
-To begin, Client G. has two interviews. The first is at a science company for a manager position. The second interview is at a manufacturing company for head of marketing communications.
-Next, Client D. interviews at a manufacturing company for head of legal. The opportunity came through a job posting.
3. George Schulz’s client B. at a manufacturers school for a consultant role. It came through his UNP1-Social Capital.
4. Lori Chevalier’s clients R., O., and F.
-First, Client R. at an accounting company for a position that is still to be determined. It came from a job posting.
-Second, Client O. at a marketing company to sell sponsorships from UNP3-Direct Introduction.
-Third, Client F. at a farm store for sales lead. The position came through a 3rd party recruiter with the Direct Hiring Manager.
5. Barbara Limmer’s client N. and L.
-To start, Client N. at a mineral mining company for Director of HR.
-And also, Client L. at an insurance agency for a president role from UNP2-LinkedIn.
6. Asli Bilgin’s client A. at a pharmaceutical company for a management position.
Interview with Recruiter
1. Larry DiBoni’s client K. at a pet food company for Director.
Keep pushing towards your goals! Find your passion through your career and start to visualize your success. The Barrett Group is here to mentor clients throughout their job search, so they can reach their career goals. To learn more contact The Barrett Group.
Click here to read the Frontline Report from 01/11/23: https://www.careerchange.com/frontline-reports/01-17-23/