
The Hiring Line:
- E. in France is still in Clarity with Isabelita, but both a ride-hailing app and a multinational conglomerate (her former company) were moving quickly, so she pulled Waffles in. The negotiations were fast and furious, but the multinational conglomerate was hit with a freeze, so the ride-hailing app was last man standing. They wanted E. so badly they went halfway around the world to beg for a variance to get her more money and they were able to match the multinational conglomerate’s projected offer! E. is ecstatic because she gets to switch industries (tech software, bright future!), she just loves the people, and 75% of the offer letter was about the equity stake, which could be a life changer! Yay, E.!
- This one is anonymous – but this we can say: Hat’s Off to Paula for helping yet another Barrett Group client realize the American Dream!
- Another win for Anne:
“Hi Anne, Hope you are well.
Just wanted to let you know that yesterday I got offered and accepted the managing partner role in a commercial real estate start-up. We’re going to be four equal partners, 25% each, initial salaries $250K, with the majority income expected through profit sharing. This was one of the opportunities I mentioned as a possibility.
We will be focusing on acquiring, repurposing, developing or redeveloping life-science and bio-tech spaces. It will be quite a heavy lift initially, so I am already busy 110%. Hopefully, we would gain traction with a capital source soon, our first meeting would be as early as tomorrow with a quite sizeable institutional investor.
I am really excited as I will be working with like-minded, experienced, and highly skilled professionals. And I am confident we would make this work and enjoy it fully while we are at it…
Cheers, A.”
- M. has been keeping Julie and Waffles on their collective toes, here’s the payoff: Julie cleared her schedule on short notice to help M. with the written offer: a $400K deal with a $50K sign-on bonus! You’ll need the canasta decks for this poker game, Julie! Then: After some skillful negotiation tactics from the team, they have offered an additional $10K upfront in the signing bonus to ensure he’s whole in the next six months (full salary will likely kick in within four months). They are offering an additional $6k to bridge the cobra coverage he’ll need between Feb and March when healthcare kicks in on April 1. This whole package weighs in at the $600K range, and is exactly what M. wanted!
Offers enhanced:
- More from M.:
“BTW – got moved on to the last round of [a large onlilne retailer’s] interviews. [An aerospace manufacturer] contacted and said they are planning to make their decision Friday or Monday.”
It’s likely he’ll have three offers on the table next week!
- Jerry’s client, A. received an offer today from the charitable arm of the credit union movement as Chief Financial and Operations Officer, with a salary of $210,000. Nice going, Jerry!
George has a Barrett Textbook Story, using networking the right way, and creating opportunity through networking…
“T. called an old friend as part of his outreach calls to his network. The friend is Operations Director for [a high-tech company]. The friend said that he actually was looking for somebody. They set up an interview lunch. The position is North American Sales Manager. They talked for an hour or so and [his friend] gave T. a firm offer on the spot. T. said that he would give it serious consideration but wants to wait a few weeks to get a better feel for the market. His friend said that he is willing to wait.
T. likes the outgoing calls to his network. He had another one with a good friend at another oil and gas company. That also turned into an interview that turned into an offer.”
Way to go, George!
- Greg lost sleep over these last night. He told us he “was on pins and needles!”
“D. informed me this morning he had 4 interviews today at [a Portfolio Management Company]. The final one at 4:00pm was supposed to be with HR and he said that he expected an offer. I’m keeping my fingers crossed!”
- Greg about J.:
“J., one of our hardest working, most persistent clients, called today to inform me that [a county’s] Tax Collector’s office told him they are extending him an offer today or tomorrow for the position of Chief Communications Manager. I couldn’t be happier for him. He is such a good guy!”
It’s lookin’ like a Royal Straight Flush, Greg!
- S. contacted Donna while still in Clarity:
“I just completed a phone screening with [the provider of ocular surface products] and they want to move on to the next step. Speaking with the Regional Sales Director. They are about $20,000 light with the base salary. I won’t consider it for $100,000. Bonus is $160,000 – $170,000. My current salary for the first quarter of this year is $154,000. Last year I was averaging $25,000 per quarter in bonus. Let me know your thoughts how we can work this.”
Donna called Waffles in to work out the deal, stay tuned!
Interviews advanced:
- From Anne:
“P. had his interview with an electric vehicle and clean energy company for Senior Manager Solar, moving onto the 2nd interview Thursday with newly hired VP. Had his interview notes open and used the Barrett salary response coaching verbatim and positively received. Also learned through our research and interview prep that customer service was an issue and positioned his ability to solve problems and build better response/scores. Best thing was we reviewed his weakness of flexibility and he used it as a talking point and how the need to be flexible aligns with their mission/vision, strategies–brilliantly executed!”
- From A. to Lori:
“Hi Lori! My second interview for the Associate General Counsel opportunity at [an educational institution] is not scheduled yet, but the HR person reached out and confirmed she would be setting one up soon. It will be a zoom call with five committee members. I can tell I am not the only candidate moving to this round. Pasted below is the job description. Let me know if you want to set up a mock interview. A.”
This client is on fire – through networking, he is also having a position created for him and is likely to get an offer next week. Paula is following T.’s hiring process closely:
“Paula – I just got off the phone [with my contact at the company] asking him a bit about the feedback he’s received, and it’s been very positive. I asked him about the general org chart and influence and I’m comfortable with where it is now and where it has the potential to grow. At the outset it’s a bit of an individual contributor with significant informal influence; down the line there’s significant opportunity to have a broader scope as the org adjusts over the next few months.
Upon asking him what remaining steps there were to getting to the finish line, he said ‘well, if you’re up for it, we make you an offer.’ So, I told him to fire away.
Looking good!”
But T. doesn’t stop there:
“Paula – I just got off the phone [with the] EVP Client Engagement at [a solutions and analytics company]).
I mentioned earlier that he and I had touched base before the holidays with a plan to reconnect after the new year. He then, within 48 hours, had me speak w/ one of his SVPs.
[He] indicated today that his message to his SVP was “I want this thoroughbred [meaning me] to be at [this company]”. His thought, at the time, was that they could have me get into a role leading some people on that SVP’s team. Since that time, they’ve acquired an additional company that could present some significant expansion of opportunity within the next couple months. He indicated that he liked the way that I managed people, the way I strategically approached clients, and the way I collaborated across the organization.
He asked where I stood with other conversations and so I let him know the status and that things have been moving quickly and that I anticipate an offer in the very short term.
Today he told me very directly that he is eager to have me back and that he would “make it work” to get me. He asked about comp expectations and, since I used to work in his org, I felt I shouldn’t press too hard on the hesitance there. So, I gave him more insight into the range than I typically would, sight unseen.
He’s going to look at options. He indicated that I should continue my discussions and keep him posted next week on where they stand and we will reconnect. Good to have “a few irons in the fire!””
Good, indeed, T.!
- Lori’s delighted to share:
“S. has an interview on Friday with [producer of housewares products] for a Brand Marketing Director position.
He also has a second interview with [an electronics manufacturer] (last week he interviewed with the internal recruiter, this is now the interview with the hiring manager) for a Channel Marketing Manager role.
Dan assisted with the interview coaching and was a total rock star!
He also has a call with an internal recruiter later today for [a retailer of consumer electronics] for a Director of Marketing role … will update as I receive information to share! :)”
- M. had an interview with a financial institution, with Julie and Waffles helping her through the labyrinth!
- Here’s a client who scored and interview and needed coaching before she was even in Clarity!
“Richard, I just received an interview request from [a venture capital firm] for a Managing Partner role in an alumni VC fund! I also have a call with one of the founders of [another vc firm] – a PERFECT fit for me. Both are to take place later this week! I could use interview prep help!
Warmly, K.”
- Anne says:
“This is a BIG win for P. as we have been focused on trying to infiltrate [an electric vehicle and clean energy company] and hallelujah, first interview! They’re discussing the Senior Manager Solar position. We’ll be prepping to make sure he nails it!”
A. has an interview for Senior Brand Manager for a cleaning service company and reported back:
“Hi Anne, It was lovely chatting with you to share my small wins and talk about next steps! I became even more energized, thank you!
I just had my interview with [the tech company] and it seems like a cool startup company. They are a tech company that offers a platform for buyer and seller to meet (in this case household owner and cleaning lady). It’s like Uber or AirBnB.
Regarding the name, the brand has its roots in DC / Marvel. They also have another company which is a co-sharing workspace. They wanted to be disruptive and to continue with the DC / Marvel narrative, hence, the [company name] … I think the interview went well; I will hear from her this week.”
More from Anne:
“Hi A., great to talk with you today, your true authentic self is shining through and it looks beautiful on you! I’m very excited for your 2nd interview at [a provider of personal computer and mobile accessories]; it sounds like you had a great call with the internal recruiter and are moving forward.”
And a fun A. story:
“We met last week on interview prep and she was feeling beat up, lacking confidence, kind of going through the motions. She had ended her contract role and feeling very vulnerable/sad. I talked to her a lot about the universe providing for her at this time and that these companies are SO lucky that she happens to be free now to explore new possibilities and it totally shifted her mindset. She went into the Sr. Brand Manager role [interview with a provider of personal computer and mobile accessories] with the “how lucky” they are mentality and aced the interview. She said she left all the baggage at the door, was her authentic self and truly relaxed! It worked as she is scheduled for her 2nd interview next week. Truly felt like a personal coach/trainer and the coaching made all the difference!”
Great work, Anne!
S. to Greg:
“I just had a phone interview with an internal [multinational conglomerate] recruiter for a General Manager role. She said the hiring team would be getting back to me within 3-5 business days.”
- Lori’s client S. has two interviews on Lori’s playsheet:
- Recruiter from a major appliance manufacturer
- Principal/Creative Director at a brand marketer
- To Lori from C.:
“So… They didn’t formally offer me the job at the interview… but they did say I was a perfect fit and had all of the skills and experience they were looking for …and we have a meeting on Monday to talk re: next steps :)~ Thanks, Lori, for your prep call yesterday- made a big difference in my confidence!”
- Julie Norwell’s recent interview with happy client G.:
“He decided to enlist the help of an executive coach even before he left his job because of an experience two years earlier in which he flubbed an interview for being unprepared. He found TBG during an internet research. Compared to other such firms that he explored, TBG seemed to have the most complete package.
At the outset, he wanted help with interviewing, resume writing, and learning how to present himself in a different industry. Ultimately, he found that his conversations with his coaches covered a lot more ground than just those three things.
G. really enjoyed working with Sharon Richter, his Clarity coach. He felt they connected well and that they had very insightful conversations. He said she made it fun to go through some stuff that could have been boring and tedious. For G., what was most helpful was to meet regularly with someone, have someone help him talk through his accomplishments and quantify them, and translate that onto a resume.
He got a lot out of his sessions with Lori. He learned a lot from her and really appreciated that she made herself available at the last minute when he got short notice about a job interview.
G. said the way the whole program was structured and the people TBG hires makes it easy to stay engaged and excited about the process. He says he would have missed out on this job if he had not hired the TBG.
G. strongly feels that it was money well spent! Nothing could have been better. He is already recommending TBG to friends and former colleagues.”
Great interviewing as always, Julie N., and sincere appreciation to all involved!