
Frontline Report for 10-18-23

Hiring Line Stats:

Offers Accepted: 8
Interviews Advanced:  7
1st Interviews: 1


Offers Accepted:

Congratulations to Julie Mathern and her clients:

Client D. landed a hybrid position as Vice President of Finance at a food service, facilities, and uniform services provider. She accepted an offer of over $250K. D.’s final offer was $13K above her initial offer. She landed this position through the Unpublished Market 1 (UNP1). 

Client N. landed as Director, Product Marketing at an Information Technology & Services company. The final offer she accepted was a $14K increase from her initial offer: Over $500K + company stock of $800K. N. started to interview for the role shortly after orientation with us, and focused her campaign on preparing for and going through interviews. Dan Resendes, The Barrett Group (TBG’s) Chief Consulting Officer Emeritus provided very helpful offer negotiation strategies.

Client M. landed as Director of Operational Excellence at a Finance & Financial Services company. M. accepted an offer of $350K, $50K over his initial offer. He landed this position through UNP1 – he let his employer know that he was looking to change jobs and reduced his position to a contract role for more flexibility and to train his replacement.

Congratulations to Larry DiBoni and his Client A.!
Client A. landed as Director at a Restaurants, Food & Beverage company. This is a contract position to open a new restaurant. A. accepted an offer of $130K. A. found this position through the UNP1. 

Congratulations to Lori Chevalier and her Client J.!

Client J. landed as Regional Commercial Manager at a Retail & Consumer Durables company. This was a promotion within J.’s existing company.

Congratulations to Isabelita Castilho and her Client A.!

Client A. landed as Consultant to the Chief Executive Officer at a FinTech start-up. A.’s final offer was an increase of 20% from the initial offer. He will be the direct advisor to the CEO – including strategy, staff hiring, business development, etc. It is an initial assignment of 3 months with the possibility to extend for a permanent position. A. landed this position through the Unpublished Market 3. 

Congratulations to Debbie Brupbacher and her Client V.!

Client V. landed as Director for IT Strategy at a Manufacturing company. V.’s final offer is undisclosed. He landed this position through the UNP1; it was created for him after a reference call. 

Congratulations to David Black and his Client M.!

Client M. landed as Senior Manager, Event Production for a Media & Entertainment based company. M. accepted his offer after an increase of $10K from the initial offer. 



Congratulations are in order! Penny Marion is now Certified to conduct Interview Lab sessions with TBG clients!

Here is what Client L. shared verbally via a weekly consultant meeting, about our writing team:  
“I was thrilled to see the new LinkedIn Summary/About written for me, in particular the part about inviting people to reach out for collaboration. I love the focus on providing services to and helping others, which is something I highly value!”  

Client T. shared this verbally via a weekly consultant meeting:  
“I almost did The Barrett Group last summer, but listening to others around me I chose not to.  Now that I’m finally working with The Barrett Group, I realize that I should not have let others talk me out of it and should have chosen to do this last year. I’m thrilled with the results I’m getting and thankful for the work that we’re doing!”

Debbie Brupbacher’s Client M. shared: 
“Hi Debbie, all done. It went really well, I felt relaxed, answered all the questions and to be honest really enjoyed the experience. Although it is in ‘the hands of the gods’, I felt like I left nothing on the pitch. Thanks again for your feedback – did quite some re-work based on your comments, but it was time and effort well spent. In terms of next steps, they agreed to revert in about 2 weeks which is totally fine … because 2 cool jobs have popped up! Will keep you posted and thanks again – great service!

Lori Chevalier’s Client L. shared:
“Thank you for working late today! You are the best coach/project manager/life-changer ever! Excited!!!”


It’s time to fulfill your career potential and follow those career aspirations. Standing out in the field of executives will be vital to your success. Work with the professional career consultants at The Barrett Group. Contact us today.

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