Tag: executive career search


Do you talk to yourself? You should!

Once upon a time in Eastern Europe, I became the general manager of a business housed in an allegedly 500-year-old building. We were making and selling feminine care products in the local market. We suffered from ancient technology and a marginal business with little critical mass. I needed to add...

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Are you feeling "used but useful"?

Are you feeling “Used but Useful”?

Many prospective career changers come to us feeling that they have been or are the victims of age-ism, either by virtue of being too young or too old. Fortunately, we at the Barrett Group have never seen this as being a barrier to finding the ideal job. One of my employers had a penchant for...

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Quantify your Quality

As I have mentioned before, we receive and review thousands of resumes each year here at the Barrett Group. It is rare that we see resumes that we cannot improve.   Firstly, there is the structure of the resume. Then there is, of course, the targeting. And perhaps most importantly, there is the quantification...

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The importance of proper packaging

Ask would-be career-changers about their resumes and “packaging” and you might get any sort of response. It can range from “I don’t have one” to “It’s not up to date” or “I had it redone professionally.” At the Barrett Group, we see perhaps 20,000 resumes per year. We have a pretty clear understanding...

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The Botched Interview (and how to avoid it)

Another time when I was between jobs, a recruiter came up with an interview for me that appeared to be a perfect fit.   The opportunity was in Germany—a private company big in the plastic films industry, owned essentially by two reclusive brothers.  It was a big general manager or small CEO role for...

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The End of the Year or a New Beginning?

In our experience, ANYTIME is the perfect time to explore and land your new job. By the time you read this it may well be 2021 already. But it’s still worth emphasizing our experience over the last 30 years that the holiday period is actually a very rich time for candidates to explore their social...

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The Market in 2019

At the Barrett Group, it is our business to help executives clarify their career objectives (with our Clarity Program©). We then help them market themselves effectively.  To do this as consistently as we do, we find it useful to take stock of the market situation. Every once in a while the market...

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ready for take-off

Not Ready for Take-Off

Do you have conflicts at work?  It would be highly unusual if you did not.  People involved in even the simplest tasks bring different experience, skills, and expectations so conflict in one form or another typically lurks just around the corner. Are you ready for take-off? The questions are how you...

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Distraction as a Way of Life

Distraction as a way of life. We have discussed at some length the fact that people have very different behavioral styles, particularly the executives who come to us for help with their careers.  We use the DISC instrument as a way of detecting behavioral tendencies.   The high D (Dominance) types...

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Alone in the World

Several times in my career I have been without work.  Sometimes by choice.  Sometimes not.  And particularly in the latter case, it can be a very scary feeling… almost as if you are alone in the world.  You send all of those emails. You submit your resume and you try to engage with recruiters. Also,...

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