
- First, C., Julie’s client:
“I got the offer and agreement! Super excited regarding the opportunity here at [a medical equipment & medical supplies supplier] in [a product-specific] Exclusive Sales.
I got what I wanted! Following your great advice, they pretty much gave me everything I asked for: I doubled my salary and have a lot of upside to grow the business. I am excited!
Thank you for helping me to look at things differently.
THANK YOU again for all of your help and support: The Barrett Group has changed my commitment to Social Capital forever!”
- Second, Greg’s client J. has accepted the offer from a large online retailer, see negotiations section below!
- Third, H. has accepted the offer from a provider of pre-owned luxury cars for the position of CFO, Anne has pulled Dan and Waffles in on the unusual negotiations with the HR guy. Yay, Anne – this was a tough one from the beginning!
- Fourth, Anne’s client T. had lost his position at an American multinational financial services corporation and decided to start his own company; he is now President of a moving and storage company in the Southeast!
- Fifth, From M. to Greg Emslie:
“I have just been offered and accepted a position for CEO of a small health care company looking to grow in NY. I spoke to them a year ago, but they came back to me a couple of weeks ago.”
- Sixth, Julie reports that E. – our interview king – previously accepted an offer with one of the largest suppliers to the automotive market, only to get a better offer from a respirator distributor. He has accepted the new position with the respirator distributor which is in his industry (PPE sales) and a more senior-level regional sales manager role. Starts on August 10th.
- To begin, with Greg’s client J. (from #2 above), Dan jumped on this one, to Greg:
“You are amazing!!!!! Raised the offer up by over $80,000 PLUS the additional four-year RSUs (Restricted Stock Units) that are selling at over $3,000 per share, because he asked! Congratulations on your hard work and the teamwork of Donna (sales), Hiyam (Clarity coaching), Lori (writing), Christina and Jessica (research and admin support) and the shared knowledge from the TBG brain trust. Thanks everyone for all that you do.”
The nitty and gritty on J. new landing at a large online retailer:

J. to Greg:
“Using The Barrett Group coaching, I was able to increase the offer by over $80,000! Also, I was able to find out that there is also an annual incentive program paid out in RSU’s that vest immediately vs. the four-year cliff that the sign on RSU’s are under. I’ll be eligible for the first round of those in 2022! Thank you again for all of your help!!”
Dan has eye-balled this event to demonstrate approximately 1428% return on investment for J.’s program.
- Then, Recruiter mailings and LinkedIn presence in accordance with The Barrett Way have paid off for Waffles’ client K.: he’s been offered an electrical lead contract position in the telecom field in Chicago, which is interesting considering K. is not an electrician and has no telecom experience; proof that Barrett techniques that tout talent and abilities often trump others with further degrees, corporate experience, and certifications. Way to go, K.!
- Also, B. received a verbal offer yesterday for Area Sales Manager for a digital solutions company built to help dealers sell more cars. George will have more data for us next week.
- First, George about his client D.’s progress:
“D. made it through interview two at [a research and advisory company] and has a role play scheduled as the next step on Friday about which we had a call yesterday. Subsequently, he told me that he now has been invited to an interview by the CEO of one of their subsidiaries.”
And, Paula is happy to report that her client D. has his 3rd interview with the CEO today regarding a VP of Operations position with a small, but successful company in the Midwest. This person is also on the Board of his church.
“We have done a lot of prepping around the CEO’s style and the likelihood that an offer discussion could happen today over lunch.”
Next, Paula’s client L. “passed” the 3rd video interview at a family childcare business on the West Coast last night, and she is invited for one more final interview next week. She and Paula collaborated on the presentation she needed to deliver on how to implement their strategic plan and change management.
- Also, Lori’s client B. has advanced to second interviews with a large provider of financing for mortgage lenders and a shaving company for Senior ERP Project Manager roles! 🙂
- Finally, The Barrett Group Europe (TBG-E): Waffles’ client C. progressed to the second interview with the SVP hiring manager at a German chemical and consumer goods company. He thanked Waffles for the customized application package for this opportunity, which would have been an extreme long shot without the extra attention.
- First, George’s client V.’s recruiter emails went out this week, and in their call earlier today he said:
“Right after it went out, the phone started ringing off the hook.”
He has had a good four conversations with two more scheduled and is still connecting with some others, and this is only after two days. Thanks to Christina for her great work!
- Then, Julie’s client J., who came on board after being referred by one of her successful TBG clients, after her recruiter mailing:
“Interest is picking up. Hooray! I had calls or emails from ten different recruiters expressing interest in my resume. I had two call me and said they would like to see if they could find a fit. I had three HR screening interviews:
The one for [a multinational financial services firm] was for a Program Director. However, after our discussion, she wanted to refer me for a VP of Projects role which she felt was a better fit. She has not posted the job yet but plans to get it posted in the next few weeks.
Two for [a health technology company] were from different HR Recruiters. Both roles are ones they desperately need filled soon. The first role was for a Program Director [on the West Coast]. They second was for a Product Director for R&D in the Southeast. Both are sending my resume onto the hiring VPs and I should hear something next week.”
- Also, L. was contacted by a recruiter for an opportunity with a law firm for an Attorney, Real Estate Practice Group. Julie helped her prepare for her interview.
- To start, From George: B. had a first interview with a large cosmetics company on Monday.
- Then, George’s client V. interviewed at an American multinational investment bank and financial services corporation on Thursday.
- Also, George’s client R. interviewed at an industrial company.
- And then, Anne Lipsitz about her client J.:
“Hi Waffles and Dan,
Good news: J. has two interviews scheduled!!
1) At a company that develops technology business management software as a service applications for VP Product Management, and 2) at an American trucking software company for Principal Product Manager.
Thanks again for your help Dan!! She’s very grateful!”
Also, Paula’s new client K. (TBG-E) already has a first interview with a provider of financial transaction processing services.
6. Next, Lori’s client T. has an interview with an American electric vehicle and clean energy company for a Business Development position this Thursday at noon!
7. Then, K. is enjoying the snowball effect of a lot of good networking and job applications:
- 8/6/20: At an industrial field services company for Global EHS Leader
- 8/4/20: At a global technology company for Global Health and Safety Officer
- 7/31/20: At a benefits communication and enrollment firm for Senior Director, Industrial Hygiene and Safety
“This is a really exciting opportunity as this position is operational (P+L, Business Development, Proposal Development etc.) as well as building a safety program, nurturing a culture and development of the employees who are hungry for change and growth.”
8. Also, D. started with Julie on July 1st and has had two first interviews progressing to the 2nd round:
- A provider of power generation equipment for QHSE VP
- A designer and manufacturer of drilling and production hardware for Director HSE – two of his former colleagues work here; when they discovered that he had left their old company, they recommended him for the position.
Next, P.’s orientation with Julie was on April 30th and he is getting responses from job applications: he has two interviews coming up.
At an acute care facility for CTO.
At a regional public transportation company for Senior Director, Information Technology.
And, Julie’s client F. had the first interview for yet another Operations Manager position at a large online retailer, but they maxed out on second interviews, so he’s parked on the tarmac for the next couple of weeks.
- Also, TBG-E: George is tracking I., who has his first interview today with a European transformer manufacturer for a project manager position.
- Then, George’s client J. had an interview with the CEO of a U.S. vehicle consignment dealer and is expecting further calls for a COO position. J. also got an unexpected call from an executive at a robotic-assisted surgical systems maker. Turns out that J. had been interviewed at their parent division for a sales position that he didn’t get, but his interviewer was impressed enough to call the executive and suggest that he interview J. for his open position. George reminds us:
“You can definitely get referrals from people who turned you down, if you do it right.”
- Finally, George strikes again! B. maxed out a screening call and now has an interview on 8/7 for a Dermatology Sales Manager position. B. also had a 1st interview with a telecommunications carrier. They recently acquired a company on the East Coast and “are doing a lot of hiring.” They told B. that he will have a 2nd interview later this week with a Divisional Manager for an – as yet unknown – position.
- First, Julie’s client L.:
“I have been chatting with [a lady] from [a wealth management firm]. Turns out we went to same college. She asked to see my resume so we can chat this week about her company. This really works!”
Julie responded:
“That is super!! I love that a connection request on LinkedIn (to a stranger) has led to a great response. Your personalized message to her must have done the trick! I’ll have your customized resume for the position in two days.”
- Also, T. had her orientation with Julie on 4/1/20 and really loves training. She applied for the University Trainer position with a financial technology company. She used LinkedIn to connect and speak with a few people at the company.
- First, George to Christina:
Yesterday afternoon I sent this research request to you for my client D. for a personal interview he is to have today, and you came through with flying colors last night. On behalf of D. and myself, thank you very much.
Regards, George”
- Next to Lori form her client A.:
“Hey Lori:
I am so glad I am working with you during this really hard time for me.
You are not only my job search coach, but also my therapist. I am not sure who you are reporting to, but you can forward this email to him/her!
- Also from Waffles’ client M.:
“I feel like this resume is already multitudes beyond what I had done myself. Please let Ramsey Penegar how much this means to me!”
- Then, Greg’s client J.:
“Dan and Greg,
It was an awesome call and you guys are extraordinary!
Thanks for the recording even though I will have to struggle through it listening to my own voice.
Greatly appreciate all the guidance and techniques you shared, and I am looking forward to it all paying off soon!
Thanks again,
- And to Mike Vignery in the Sales Department and on the front lines of reaching out to job seekers:
“Thank you for talking with me a few times and showing confidence in me and my job search approach – you pumped me up!
I started a new 100% remote job as a Senior Compensation Analyst with [an American pet retailer] this week!
Are you ready for the next step in your career search? Contact The Barrett Group today!