
The Hiring Line:
- This from L., one of Julie’s initial Asana clients:
“Hi Julie! I just signed the paperwork and officially accepted the offer! My start date will be [in two weeks]. I am working on my resignation letter and will give it to my boss by [the end of this week].
I honestly cannot thank you enough for all of your help. This job found me through LinkedIn, which I know my updated profile you worked on really helped. My resume was impressive, and I was very prepared for the interviews. This turned out to be more than a good ROI!!! Thank you!!”
By the book, Julie!
- Jerry’s client, A., accepted the offer from an agricultural organization in the cattle industry as the Chief Strategic Officer. His compensation is $175,000 plus performance incentives. Way to go, Jerry!
- This one from Lori’s new client:
“I just met with C. this week for the first time yesterday and found out he’s been a busy guy!
He had a series of interviews over the last two weeks with one company with the last interview on Friday. The result in an offer for a Director of IT role.
It requires a relocation and it’s a lower base pay, so he’s “keeping the offer on ice” for now as he is also in discussions with another company for another role. The other role is for an IT Consultancy role. He’s considering it as it’s remote and would warrant a salary and no relo on his way to the next role. Our first meeting turned into a longer meeting as we navigated across the Interview Process, Compensation coaching, and ultimately the talk track to prepare him for questions on the role “on ice” and additional compensation for the 1099. Stay tuned! 😀🙌🤗”
Excellent pivot and improv, Lori!
Interviews Advance:
- Lori’s client K. met with the President Monday for a company that provides diverse bakery solutions. She had a tour and meetings with the VP Ops and CFO on Wednesday. Initially, this wasn’t a role she was keenly interested in pursuing. However, the more she learns, and the more they talk to her about it, the more she is beginning to advance in the interview process and warm up to the idea of it!
B., also Lori’s client, has an interview for a Segment Manager at a hospital & health care company tonight! 🙂 He lives in a neighborhood with highly connected neighbors who are introducing him to opportunities and his resume is getting him the interviews! This is the second recommendation from a neighbor for a position! Yay B.! 🙂
Greg’s client M. is having a three-hour second interview for an SVP role for a business and financial services company.
Greg pulled Waffles in for a special mock interview and M. is pumped!
- S. sends Jerry the latest:
“Update [from a provider of recruiting software]. I now know I am in the final 3. I have an interview with what would be my team this Friday. And then I would have another interview next week with the founder and CEO if all goes well Friday. Their goal is to have a final decision by end of next week.”
Guide him to round the bend and drop anchor, Jerry!
- A. jumped back on her horse after a year! She had interviewed before the pandemic and was sidelined, now she’s back! She is delivering a one-hour presentation as the next step in the interview process for the Regional President of a disruptive Real Estate company. Greg pulled the Client Concierge in to help her write the presentation.
Lori walks us through her remarkably busy week:
- “J. just informed me of another interview he has been contacted for: a panel interview for a General Manager role at a media company. He will interview with the owner on Tuesday of next week! :)“
- “On another note: J. is passionate about the outdoors and biking and has been in radio and broadcasting his entire career. We did some research and discovered [a bike company that is] expanding and had purchased several local bike shops in his area. He called the store, introduced himself to the manager, inquired about a sales position, and secured a part-time job, as a means to “learn the ropes” and get his foot in the door. Very ingenious move on approaching the job market to begin his ascent within the organization! Go J.!“
“G. was contacted by the Head of HR yesterday and had a first interview with a multinational confectionery as Head of Design. He said, “It went very well by all accounts!” He is scheduled for a second interview on Monday!“
- “T. had a friend that he met while he was taking courses, who recommended him for a position where he works! So, his friend referred him, and T. interviewed yesterday and has a second interview forthcoming next week for a Regional Business Development position! 🙂 💃“
Anne provides a happy update from B., who is finally seeing some opportunities for him!
- “Two interviews with a research organization for the Information Research Specialist position. Both went well and waiting on next steps which would be to see if I make the cut for the final round of interviews.“
- “Interview with [a provider of cloud-based business intelligence solutions] for the Senior Economist position and am awaiting a follow up call with their chief economist next week.“
“A recruiter reached out about a Lead Economist position at [a global mining company], and I spoke with her about the post this morning. It is based in London, so we are discussing and seeing if it is worth considering the relocation aspect.”
Your coaching is paying off, Anne, keep up the good work!
George steps up to the podium and adjusts the microphone:
- “D. keeps contacting execs in [his regional] areas successfully. He snagged two more first interviews this week: As I write, he is interviewing with [a credit union] for a VP position, interviewing with the with President and Chief Lender. He was referred by his social capital and he was told to expect a second interview next week.
- “D. also interviewed with the Market President for a bank for a VP slot.“
“And, D. landed another first interview from reaching out to his very strong network, this one with the President and CEO of [a health organization].“
- “M. had his first interview with the President of [an American Fortune 500 company], which he also obtained through a friend of his.”
George is rockin’ it with the effective networking!
- Julie recaps J.’s success after meeting with Waffles:
“[A Marketing Technology Services Agency] – you’ve had a preliminary discussion with a group/panel and will speak with two more people [later this week]. There’s not a formal job posting per se, but it seems they need a General Manager for the US. Please keep us posted.”Isabelita brings us up to speed on activities across the pond, which, in her case, is the Red Sea! Here’s her latest bumper crop:
- S. had a 3rd Interview with the CEO of a novel consumer goods company. He followed our guidance and felt there was a great rapport with the CEO and that it felt more like old time friends and a casual conversation, instead of a job interview.
- M. followed our interview preparation guidance and had her 3rd interview with the hiring manager CEO and it lasted an hour and a half… she is very confident about it -waiting for the results and next steps -one more to go!
- R. followed our LinkedIn approach guidance and nailed her first company interview with a federal company in [the UAE] for a CMO role, and the feedback was outstanding. She is now preparing them a business plan as per next steps and deciding [which location] would be best.
P. followed our guidance and message template to approach some decision makers on LinkedIn for network and potential collaboration and was invited to discuss collaboration next week with one of the CEOs!
- C. followed our instructions on how to network effectively on LinkedIn and has an interview scheduled for TODAY with the Head of a German government agency!
George reaches out to us regarding M.:
“Orientation was 5/6/20, so he has been looking for a long time but kept his head up and never lost faith, even through a bout with Covid. He was a great guy to work with. His new salary is higher than his old one by $20,000 plus he got 3% equity, which obviously could be a major deal down the road. Here is how he answered, “How did you find position?”: “I was contacted by a person in my professional network.” Yup – he pretty much used them all!
Thanks to all of you for your help. When a very nice guy struggles and then finally gets a great job it is very heartwarming.”
You’re welcome, George, it was great teamwork!
In a recent meeting with Paula, S. showed appreciation:
“What I really love is your introductory questions: using typical icebreaker questions, combined with experienced, scalpel focused questions to bring out crucial information that has helped to build rapport and give me confidence. Your approach is highly intellectual, which I appreciate. This really shows me there is significant experience behind your approach.”
Hear, hear, well deserved, Paula!
- From Greg’s client J.:
“Hi, All, I hope this email finds you well and safe.
It has been a while since we last spoke and I wanted to reach out to you to let you know that I started my new position as Chief Communications Officer and a member of the senior leadership team for [a local government agency].
It is an amazing opportunity as it allows me to provide leadership to a cracker jack, award-winning communications team.
My role is to lead and support the agency’s internal and external communications, both print and digital. My team and I focus on managing both our internal intranet website and our external website, in addition to press/media relations, print materials and social media. I am so fortunate to be given this opportunity to work for a governmental agency that has built a culture of client service and subscribes to values that completely align with my own.
It is truly exactly the role I was looking for and I am very grateful to be working for an amazing team.
Greg, I would be remiss if I didn’t offer my sincere appreciation for all the support you have provided me during my journey to find the next role in my career. Your resume feedback, guidance and offers to assist me in my job search has meant the world to me and I truly THANK YOU for your support. I am honored to be a friend, colleague or previous co-worker of yours and I’m ready to return the same support to you whenever you may need — just let me know what I can do to help.
Keep in touch, J.”