
The Hiring Line:
- Anne shares a great update from T. Last year, she had left a manufacturer of industrial tools and household hardware and had aspirations to be CEO of a nonprofit. We helped her land at a heating oil and propane supplier as COO in March 2020. She then followed Anne’s excellent Phase 3 plan and now her dream job is realized! She is now CEO of a non-profit! Way to go, Anne!
“Thank you, Anne! I gleaned a lot from our previous discussions through this process!”
- George has another Barrett Double Dose:
“B. has landed for the second time! The first time he landed at [a digital communication platform designed to help automotive retailers], he realized that the expected commissions were not going to work out. So we began a new search. He just accepted a position at [a marketing technology company] which, after much due diligence on our part, looks like it will meet his goals. This is a very good thing.”
Sometimes the frog has to jump two lily pads to catch the right fly, George! Keep up the great work!
Interviews Advance:
- Anne is crossing all her fingers, so if her keyboarding is a little sloppy, it’s for a very good cause: M. interview update–so close! M. gives us the skinny:
“Things have been moving along with [a gaming company]: I have taken four tests and the SVP interview went well. So far, 4 hours of video interviews and about 1.5 hours audio! This week, I have a panel video interview with marketing leadership. It’s been an interesting process. Demonstrating great resilience and engaging the right influencers to move on in the process!”
Win this marathon, M.!
- S. is on his third interview with a Fortune 100 company, Greg tells us. That’s it, S. is a man of few words!
- Anne’s client R. had interviewed for Director of Legal with a hotel company. She influenced them enough to help them realize she can be the GC, which they anticipated as a future role down the road. They have seen her skills and are now moving forward with a 2nd interview tomorrow, this time as General Counsel within the C-suite. This is a better fit! Thanks for helping her believe in herself and her worthiness, Anne!
Another stellar success from Anne’s growing Pantheon: H. is interviewing for the General Counsel position with the co-founder of a cool startup. The Airbnb-like platform for home cooked meals is ramping up to meet that demand while providing opportunities for immigrants to earn money by sharing the home cooking of their cultures. They recently passed their mulit-million funding round. Great progress on this one, Anne!
- M. had an interesting conversation with a recruiter this week as a result of our recruiter outreach. A provider of online learning programs is looking for their first in-house counsel, which would be a Chief General Counsel/Officer position. It sounds like an interesting opportunity to be first in seat and set up a legal department (and be part of the executive team)! The execs met on Friday and want her to chat with their CFO sometime this week. This one is interesting because it is Ed Tech (her industry). However she had never heard of them since they are primarily in the K-12 space. They recently got an infusion of private equity $ and are considered an “active growth” company, looking to be valued at $1 billion in the next five years. It’s a remote position (not based at HQ), so M. will be free to move her family, which was her goal. We found out through LinkedIn that a woman from M.’s current employer recently left to become their Chief People Officer, so she has a strong connection! Waffles coached her on how to play the hand that’s dealt.
Three from the House of Chevalier!
- G. had an interview for a Director of Marketing with the multinational beverage corporation. G. identified the role and reached out using his UNP1: Social Capital to connect with a connection he knew, provided his resume, and was contacted for an interview!
- D. has a phone interview with a national construction company for a VP of Quality – this was the result of executing UNP1: Social Capital, talking with a friend, and gaining a referral 🙂
- J. has an interview for a Sales Director position! This was derived from a Recruiter!
You’re on fire, Lori!