
Hiring Line Stats:

Offers Accepted: 7
Offers Received: 2
Interviews Advanced: 8
1st Interviews: 18


Offers Accepted:

1. Paula Nordhoff’s client C. accepts an offer at an aquafarm as Vice President. The initial offer was $150K, final offer was $160K plus bonus.
2. Vivek Agarwal’s client R. accepts an offer from a manufacturing company as director. He remains in the utilities and energy sector. He answered a classified ad and followed the normal hiring process, leading to an initial offer of $180K, which was negotiated to $190K + bonus.
3. Larry DiBoni’s client W. lands an offer at a technology company as marketing manager. She made the move from real estate to IT. Final comp came in at $115K.
4. Isabelita Castilho’s clients M. and J.
-First, client M. receives an offer at a public relations company as CFO. He had been GM at an automotive company.
-Second, client J. lands as sales director in the restaurant sector.
5. George Schulz’s client S. accepts as director at an oil and gas company. He had been making $160K. Now he makes $190K + 20% bonus.
6. Asli Bilgin’s client V. accepts as General Counsel for an international company. Amount of initial offer: $426K. After negotiations final offer: CHF $462K + sign on bonus.


Offers Received

1. Ramesh Shivakumaran’s client R. at a charitable organization for associate director. R. transitions away from the retail sector.
2. Julie Mathern’s client B. at a pet care company for a coordinator position in the nonprofit sector.


Interviews Advance

1. Barbara Limmer’s client D. at an engineering company for a management position.
2. Larry DiBoni’s client K. at insurance company for VP of financial claims.
3. Ramesh Shivakumaran’s clients R. and J.
-Client R. at a trading business for global head from UNP2-LinkedIn
-Client J. at a trading business for head of marketing from UNP2-LinkedIn.
4. Lori Chevalier’s client W. at a car company for VP from UNP1-Social Capital.
5. Rob Wicker’s client D. at a multinational corporation for lawyer from UNP1-Social Capital.
7. Dan Resendes’ client A. at a financial company for senior associate from UNP1-Social Capital.
8. Isabelita Castilho’s client H. at an IT company for business advisor from UNP1-Social Capital.



1. George Schulz’s client C. at an event center for director from UNP1-Social Capital.
2. Barbara Limmer’s clients O. and S.
-First, client O. at an electric company for VP of HR from a 3rd Party Recruiter.
-Second, client S. at a consulting company for manager.
3. Larry DiBoni’s clients T. and N. interview.
-First client T. at a sales company for manager from UNP1-Social Capital.
-Second client N. at a pharmaceuticals company for security manager.
4. Lori Chevalier’s clients D. and M.
-Client D. at a high-tech company for a possible position from 3rd Party Recruiter.
-Client M. at a bank for an exploratory interview with HR.
5. Julie Mathern’s clients C., G., H., and B.
-First, client C. at a healthcare company for director from UNP1-Social Capital.
-Then, client G. at a food store for senior counsel.
-Next, client H. for associate director at a business company from a 3rd Party Recruiter.
-Lastly, client B. for CEO at a financial company.
6. Rob Wicker’s client K., T., and J. had several interviews.
-Client K. at a coffee company for sales director UNP1-Social Capital and at a grocery store for a possible position.
-Next, client T. at a cyber and data company for a senior EVP position from a job posting.
-Lastly, client J. at a clinical company for GM, from UNP2-LinkedIn.

7. Vivek Agarwal’s client K. at a financial company for director.
8. Paula Nordhoff’s client F. at a finance company for an exploratory leadership role from UNP1-Social Capital.
9. Ramesh Shivakumaran’s client S. at a financial company for an executive position from UNP2-LinkedIn.



-Client G. sent appreciation to Waffles Natusch, Lori Chevalier and Paula Nordhoff:
“Thank you all. I think I’m ready for next week. Appreciate all you do!”

-And client R. shared this thoughtful message with Isabelita Castilho:
“Thank you for taking the time to clarify what I need to do, and for running me through the LinkedIn analytics basics, great to finally be made aware how powerful a tool it is.”


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Click here to read last week’s Frontline Report (02-08-23).

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