Author: TheBarrettGroup

Are you an expert in my industry?

Would it matter to you if your doctor, dentist, auto mechanic, or tax preparer was an expert in your industry? Probably not. You most likely see their fields of endeavor and experience as being distinct and separate from your own industry experience. Yet, sometimes prospective clients ask us in effect...

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Why Leave Money on the Table?

Clients come to us looking for support in their executive career searches. They vary by personality and experience as much as the rest of the population—with one exception. Often these high-powered executives think they know everything there is to know about money and negotiation. Perhaps in their...

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Why Should You Pay to Play?

Why should you pay to play for career management services and what difference can that make? I’m probably an unusual case in that I have paid for career management services five times in my life. Why did I pay to play: in each case I knew I needed help. The scope of services varied significantly,...

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Your job is not your life

Your job is not your life. You may already know this, but some of us have to discover it the hard way. In my case, this lesson came as a sudden derailment to my plans. I was expecting a promotion when the divisional presidency abruptly changed. The new president brought in his “cronies”...

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The Reluctant Recovery

Clearly, this is not the vertical lift-off politicians were hoping for. In fact, the recovery, if there is one, is more like a patchwork quilt. Certain areas and industries are performing better while others suffer. Perhaps you should not wait for the world to catch up. Perhaps you should instead...

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“AwesomeLikeUmYouKnow.” How you speak is as much part of your “packaging” as is your resume or LinkedIn profile. Sooner or later in the career change process you will inevitably speak to potential employers. Will they understand you or even take you seriously if you use phrases like “AwesomeLikeUmYouKnow?” Some...

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Seven Satisfied Clients (Last Week)

At the moment I am working on a review of the economic data that is emerging showing a weakening world economy increasingly supported by government largesse (at the taxpayer’s expense). It is a worrisome picture and I will address it again soon, however, in spite of the general gloom, we helped...

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Success in just Seventy-two Days

A success story. When a particular prospective client asked to speak to me, he did so because he had heard that I have successfully used career management resources in Europe. He wanted to hear it from the horse’s mouth, so to speak. He was considering hiring the Barrett Group at the time to help...

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When I had My Eyes Replaced

You may have heard the expression on occasion, “My eyes were suddenly opened.” Metaphorically, this means that we come to a new understanding. We see things differently. We adopt a different and new perspective. In my case, I suffered from radial cataracts (as no doubt do many people) that...

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