Tag: executive recruiters


A Light In The Darkness

Fear saps your will. It freezes you in terror. And it makes it hard to think straight and may leave you in darkness. That may have been helpful to our ancestors, but it does not help in the face of the current health crisis. Having time to sit and stew during your social distancing does not necessarily...

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Put Your Worries To Work

To worry is natural. In fact, it is allegedly an evolutionary advantage that helped our earlier selves anticipate possible threats by imagining them and preparing for them. For example, “could a cave bear wander into the cave tonight, and if so, what would I do?” [See Daniel Goleman’s Emotional...

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Are you just fooling yourself

Are You Just Fooling Yourself?

Having an accurate understanding of themselves and how they are viewed is sometimes the biggest challenge our clients face when contemplating a change of career.  In talking to thousands of prospects and clients each month we truly see all kinds. From people who have an over-inflated view of their...

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Living The (Bad) Dream

Most executives have had to travel on business. Some have to or choose to commute. Some hate it. Others love it. For some, it’s a dream. For others, it’s a nightmare. Which are you? In my case, for decades I lived in a beautiful place (the Vienna woods) where I could not earn enough to...

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Today Is The Day

Most of our clients have a specific reason for pushing the button and getting started with their career change programs. Our Senior Career Consultants capture these reasons in brief orientation messages.  Here are three examples: FED UP Heidi is fed up with her present employer. She runs sales for...

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Job Boards: On-Line Gaming with your Resume

Search the internet when you have a minute for “how many jobs were posted on-line in 2019 in the US”. You probably will not find the answer. You will see statements such as “80% of jobs are found through referrals” and “your chances of finding a job on-line are around 2%.” This certainly reflects...

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Recruiters are Special

People often confuse the Barrett Group, a career management firm, with recruiters, also known as headhunters. There is a fair amount of mystery surrounding the distinction, so let me address that up front. Recruiters often specialize in one or more industries and/or geographies.  So, choosing the...

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Do you talk to yourself? You should!

Once upon a time in Eastern Europe, I became the general manager of a business housed in an allegedly 500-year-old building. We were making and selling feminine care products in the local market. We suffered from ancient technology and a marginal business with little critical mass. I needed to add...

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Are you feeling "used but useful"?

Are you feeling “Used but Useful”?

Many prospective career changers come to us feeling that they have been or are the victims of age-ism, either by virtue of being too young or too old. Fortunately, we at the Barrett Group have never seen this as being a barrier to finding the ideal job. One of my employers had a penchant for...

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