Man having a business meeting and signing a contract, recruitment or agreement.

Clarity Testimonials: What our clients are saying about their Clarity Program © experience

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    "The Clarity Program is a great way to kick-off my job search process. Rather than simply jumping in to resume revisions and updates of my LinkedIn profile, The Clarity Program focused me on what it was about various roles that motivated and inspired me (the "Why") - and, the process helped to layout the critical attributes that contribute to my dream job... and, why those attributes mean so much to me. It has brought a stronger focus to my career path, and future opportunities."

    - David Cooper

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    "The insights gained in the Clarity Program are critical for any career search. The advice of my Clarity Coach coupled with the results of the DISC survey helped define what I am looking for in my next job both from a professional and personal perspective. The clear picture that was created will help ensure that I am making the best career decisions possible!"

    - Laura Shea

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    "The Clarity Program was a significant part of the my process to help me understand what I want in my next role but also brought "clarity" into what is important to me. It gave me permission to focus on me and hone in those components that are a priority for me in a company and position."

    - Rosario Robinson

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    "It's always validating to get an outside view of what your goals are and how relevant they are to the path you are on. Clarity helps to define and refine those goals."

    - Joel Cardella

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    "After participating in the Clarity Program I feel that I know myself a lot better. My new found personal insights will definitely help me when I apply for my next career position."

    - Gary Lewis

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    "I found the Clarity Program to be particularly helpful as a coach-guided discussion of career strengths, weaknesses, and goals. Rather than just listing character traits and direction, it builds in a very helpful discussion with an experienced coach that helps you to understand the meaning of what you are seeing and work through how to apply this information to your career search. I liked the way the process builds from the DISC assessment, through the Whole Life focus, to the career-related application and found the coach interaction to be very helpful."

    - David Ruppel


    "The Clarity Program has put the guard rails around my career journey. Before, I felt like I was often making decisions as opportunities presented themselves, and evaluating them in limbo without tying that back to the larger vision. I've always been able to see a vision for a business, but its been harder to articulate an actionable vision for myself that could serve as a benchmark to measure my next steps from. I appreciated deeply that the Clarity Program contextualized my Career Journey within my entire life journey, and made me think about and be clear about trade-offs and values in every facet of my experience going forward."

    - Audrey Mattoon

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