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Why Do Women Struggle to Promote Themselves?

Why Do Women Struggle to Promote Themselves?

Many women struggle to effectively promote themselves and convey their value in the workplace. Unfortunately, this can lead to serious, long-term, career consequences. Despite their hard work and consistent performance, women who are not adept at vocalizing their achievements face a lack of professional...

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Six Approaches to Professional Renewal

Six Approaches to Professional Renewal

The dawn of a new year is a potent symbol of new beginnings. If you’ve resolved to make a career transition, this period is a perfect backdrop to reflect on your motivations. Are you dissatisfied with your job? Unchallenged? Uninspired? Unappreciated? Laid off? Such difficulties are vital components...

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6 Things to Know About Remote Work

6 Things to Know About Remote Work

Marc Benioff, multi-billionaire founder of Salesforce, ruffled feathers when he admitted his preference for working remotely at the 21st annual Dreamforce summit in September. He sounded hypocritical because he’d been pressing employees for months to work more days in-person. When asked to elaborate...

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Should Women Job Hunt Like Men?

Should Women Job Hunt Like Men?

It was an interesting irony when Claudia Goldin won the Nobel prize in economics. On one hand, it was a great coup for women. Goldin is only the third woman to win the Nobel in economics and the first woman to be a solo recipient of the award. On the other hand, the research for which Goldin is lauded...

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Top Pain Points in the Job Market

Top Pain Points in the Job Market

Quitting a job isn’t an arbitrary decision. It results from an evaluation of the pros and cons of your individual circumstances. If you’re lucky, you quit because you are “pulled” away by a better opportunity. Too often, however, people are “pushed” to leave a job. Quitting can be the culmination...

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The Magic of Paying It Forward

The Magic of Paying It Forward

Broadway actor Claybourne Elder is a compelling example of the magic of paying it forward. While visiting New York City as a twenty-something year old, Claybourne went to see “Putnam County Spelling Bee.” He could just afford standing-room-only tickets, but enjoyed himself immensely, nonetheless....

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Taking Off the Comfort Blanket

Taking Off the Comfort Blanket

During the pandemic, Philip was promoted to deputy commissioner and chief operating officer of a 2,300-person agency within Washington State’s government. He was tapped for the role because of the high-caliber value he would bring to the office at a time of great need. And value he brought. Philip...

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The Evolving Landscape of Employee Benefits

In three short years, the Covid-19 pandemic profoundly reshaped the way we work and the priorities of employers and employees. As organizations and people have adapted to the new normal, needs both inside and outside the workplace have evolved – sometimes dramatically. As needs have changed, so, too,...

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