Short Stack Stats:
Offers Accepted: 14
Offers Received: 4
Interviews Advanced: 18
1st Interviews: 13
The Hiring Line:
1. Julie Mathern and Waffles Natusch celebrated with client D. who landed at an investment company.
Julie’s notes: Waffles delivered big time in his interview prep and offer negotiation discussions (improved salary by $75k and partnership bonus $500k!!). The opportunity came through LinkedIn: a 1st level connection from a previous job, now a Sr. Partner at this investment company. He didn’t remember the 1st connection but messaged him and he responded right away. Began to discuss the role D. saw at the investment company…and now is working there! He never used his resume! He is the Head of Global Partnerships.
2. Paula Nordhoff and Waffles Natusch helped our client R. to negotiate his offer for Chief Strategy Officer with an organization that runs a lottery and donates their profits to many charitable organizations. He has accepted the offer and started. Yay, R.!
3. George Schulz was pleased to hear the news about clients S., G, and H.:
-Client S. has landed at a healthcare solutions company as Territory Business Manager in the Hospitals, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals sector!
-And G. has landed at two Information Technology & Services companies! Title for first is CEO, Title for 2nd is CEO and Co-Founder.
-While H. has landed a role as Operations & Strategy Lead in the Accounting sector, having left an automotive company, where he was Quality Chief. He landed the part-time job by taking George’s advice about expanding his social capital, and now it’s gone full time!
4. Lori Chevalier presented updates for M., A., C., J, and W.:
-M. has accepted the offer in the Utilities, Energy, and Extraction industry! M. was contacting a few of his old colleagues like Lori was coaching him to do and one of them followed back for an opportunity. He then had an interview with the CEO, and he welcomed M. to the team. His offer was raised above his previous compensation level and way higher than an incumbent’s package. He is very excited about their plans and their professional approach so far. He landed less than three months after his launch. Go M.! Comp came in at $200K + 30% bonus plus usual benefits plus expenses.
-And A. had a conversation going with a gentleman that he knew in the past. He connected A. to the CEO of a software solutions agency, with whom he had previously worked. She introduced A. to the company’s founder, COO, Engr. Director and HR. They had good conversations and A. got an offer yesterday! He said yes! It’s a growing company and the founder is ambitious! Congratulations, A.! Comp: $170k + $34,000 bonus.
-Meanwhile, C. is a stellar supply chain client. He has been active in his campaign with TBG and after a long pursuit of the “right” role, he accepted this one! He is also actively being pursued by a long-time “family” business! We will see how he fares! He’s packing up the family and moving from Europe to the United States. His new role is called Vice President – Supply Chain Strategy and PMO. The company is in the Retail & Consumer Durables sector. The offer came in at $300k + 30% bonus = $90k, Car Allowance, Cell Reimbursement, Profit Sharing 2.5% of salary, 4 weeks of vacation, $35k relo package.
-Also J. was an interesting client as he started two of his own companies after leaving a very large salary at a prominent company to serve as the primary caregiver for his parents who have since passed. He has a big heart and is a very intelligent individual with a drive to succeed. He’s been very successful and needed to reenter the job market, so he worked with TBG. He handled negotiations on his own and secured a nice role. He’s actually got another offer impending in the background! Go J.! His former title was CFO for startups and Director when working for the last outside company. His new title is Vice President in the Information Technology & Services sector. Comp: $190 + OTE of up to $600k with no cap – and has to create growth through $15 million annual quota goals.
-W. let Lori know the good news: “Hi Lori, all good. Started working at [a media company] as a Business Development Account Executive.”
5. Anne Lipsitz had news from Z. and F.:
-G. is working remotely in the new role that was created for him at the multinational conglomerate. Comp: $220K
-F. has landed at a hospitality management company.
Offers Received
1. G. was working with Paula, Rebeca Gelencser, and Waffles. She let Waffles know she received an offer but we haven’t received the details from Rebeca as of press time.
2. Julie’s client P. received an offer at a marketing agency. The client success team notes that this is a positive step with an increased salary. P. was referred to the company by a friend for some freelance work. After working with them, they asked if he would come on board as their Associate Creative Director. The opportunity is a step in the right direction for him, with more leadership capacity and higher pay. He will continue to search for his ideal job with TBG’s assistance. He negotiated verbally before they would formalize the offer and managed to get a $10K increase.
3. Lori Chevalier’s client V. has an offer. A LinkedIn recruiter from the company reached out to V. based on her M&A expertise since they are going through an M&A. Initial offer low – working on a new title and higher base. Stay tuned!
4. K. alerted his Offer Negotiation team of Barbara Limmer and Waffles Natusch that the offer came in for an automotive company – the one he really wanted!
Interviews Advance
1. Anne and Waffles received this note from L.:
“[The digital marketing company] has picked up in a big way. I have 4 interviews across [two days]. The Hiring manager I talked to seems to be aggressively moving things forward. The [insurance company interview went very well, I think, I should hear back from them [soon]. Also, a friend of mine who was the partner to start the Experience Center at [the multinational professional services network] and who left to be an independent consultant has decided to join a small boutique firm. He has 2 offers and said as part of his offer he wants to bring a few folks in with him. He wants me to join him. I like working with him a lot and am seriously considering it. He knows I have some other interviews going on and we agreed to keep in touch. I’d love to have an offer to be able to bargain with him on my comp but I also already know the comp will be in range because he already shared some info with me. I feel like this last one is a very solid option. Will keep you posted, it’s not over till it’s over. Thanks, L.”
2. Lori noted that C. has a second interview for a Director of IT role at a water utility. S. has an opportunity with a business and technology consulting firm and has had 9 rounds with 8 people. After discussing the role with the HR Manager, they are going to engineer a more global role. S. also has a data science contact at a technology company and plans to connect within the next few days to discuss the company, culture, and opportunities.
3. Barbara Limmer shares that J. had a fourth interview with an electronics company. She is also following up this week with a global digital systems company.
4. George Schulz produced a stream of updates on his clients. And this stream of consciousness report from our own George Schulz, who caused us to run out of ink this week!
-First, N. is doing great on landing interviews mostly using social capital to get the interviews. His recent interviews are in a variety of industries for leadership roles.
-Second, G. has an interview with a coffee company for the VP of Development.
-Third, T. has an interview with an insurance company for the role of Financial Planning Mgr. and also possibly Dir. of Compliance. T. also has an opportunity with a financial group.
1. S. shares this note with Julie and Waffles, “Sorry for the short notice, but I was just sent an email from [an investment banking company], advising me that my interview for the Vice President [role]. I feel pretty confident about my abilities to interview with the CISO and CIO, but I wanted to let you know what is going on since our last meeting was squashed by a scheduling conflict. Regards, S.”
2. Isabelita Castilho presents updates on R. and Y.:
-R. is interviewing with a consumer goods company for the role of Senior Vice President of Sales. He landed the interview through networking via Isabelita’s social capital introduction.
-And Y. is pursuing a Chief Strategy Officer role with a conglomerate. He gained the introduction through social capital.
3. Paula Nordhoff has interview news from several clients including D., S., and M.
-D. is meeting with the Head of Institutional Investing at an investment company for a VP or higher opportunity. He was referred by a colleague who knows the company is evaluating a position for hire.
-And S. interviewed with 4 leadership people at a biotechnology company.
-Also M. has an HR screening for a Sales Manager/Director position.
4. Anne reports in about P., A., and K.:
-P. had a lead generated from a former colleague for a COO role at an agricultural company.
-As a result of networking, A. is interviewing for the Senior Portfolio Manager at an insurance firm.
-The company K. is interviewing with needs a transformational leader like K. in the Project Director role. K. is also interviewing for a Managing Director position at a construction engineering company.
5. Team Dan Resendes/Jerry Fronczak is still over-delivering with B., resulting this week in an interview with the CEO of a company that’s looking for new life through new leadership.
News from the Resume Team
Ramsey Penegar, CPRW, shares, “It’s been an incredibly busy week for the entire TBG Team, and the writers are no exception! Currently, the writers have 18 tasks in the queue to complete in the upcoming 5 days. The team has completed 27 writing projects in the past 7 days and 117 in the last month with a 100% on-time delivery rate!!! Over the past six months, the writers have completed over 500 total projects with Jo Anne Moser as the “heavyweight” carrying a full 18% of that load!”
Round of applause to this team!
1. W. noted this to Lori Chevalier: “Hello Lori, It was great talking to you in today’s meeting. Maybe we are sometimes a bit off course, but that’s the charming thing. Thank you for making things every time more clear to me in this new process. You are wonderful in putting together the pieces of the puzzle.”
2. “Dear Isabelita and the team, many thanks for the great work. Much appreciated. Looking forward to continuing to work with the excellent team. Best, N.”
3. Julie Norwell has feedback from her interview with L. which showcases the amazing client experience provided by Paula Nordhoff, David Black, Michael Vignery, and the entire writing, resume team!
L. had been CFO for a real estate holding company when he was called into a meeting and told his job had been eliminated. It took him by surprise, and he was left unemployed for the first time in 35 years. He knew he’d need help navigating a very different job market. TBG was the only company he considered because he figured he’d need all the help he could get. Plus, his two previous jobs had not gone well, and he wanted to ensure a good fit this time. He had a good conversation with the salesperson he first spoke to. He liked TBG’s multi-step approach and the idea of having access to people with expertise in every aspect of job seeking. L. was hugely impressed with TBG’s 90% success rate over 6-12 months. “Given the pandemic and uncertainty back in March, I knew nothing was guaranteed, but TBG was the closest thing to it… I had confidence that TBG would put me in the best possible position to be successful in my job search.”
L. liked the Clarity program very much. He said his coach was a “really nice guy” and “very easy to speak to.” All the tests confirmed what he knew about himself. He felt that it was an excellent way to start the program and the job search process. It gave him peace of mind to know that the challenges he’d faced with his two previous jobs were not his problems, rather the company’s problems. Clarity helped him understand how to be more discerning in choosing his next employer.
L.’s career consultant was Paula Nordhoff and he had plenty of great things to say about her:
“Paula was very good at giving me the confidence to know that I was saying and doing the right things.”
L. really liked having Paula to bounce ideas off of and keep him organized and structured in doing the tasks in his job plan.
At the beginning of the summer, L. was starting to experience some “dark days” when things weren’t clicking, but the Frontline Reports, of which he was an avid reader, bolstered his confidence. “You were bringing in new clients left and right. Right after July 4 the landings really started coming. That was great to see because it affirmed that I made the right decision. I knew I was on the right train! Your success rate over the summer must have been over 90%. It gave me a ton of confidence. I read the hiring reports religiously. Still do!”
L. followed the TBG processes to the letter. Initially, his momentum was slow, but it increased with every step he took in the process.
L. said the education he got through the TBG program was invaluable – especially for him because he’d been out of the job market for so long. It opened his eyes to things that go on in the job market, the latest trends, ideas, and tools that are needed. “You guys are so up to date on all of it, which is so valuable. Also, the ongoing coaching and cheerleading, having someone believe in you and keep you on task…all of that was very important.”
L. said that his experience couldn’t have been better. He had a terrific experience. He has already recommended the program to many people. “You have tried-and-true processes and I tell everyone the same advice: Follow their process! It is proven and it works… You have a lifetime client in me!”