
The Hiring Line Stats:
Offers Accepted: 16
Offers Received: 2
Interviews Advanced: 15
1st Interviews: 19
Offers Accepted:
1. Paula Nordhoff is excited to announce the landing of her client D. in just over three months! She is leaving her role as Consulting Manager in the Information Technology & Services sector. New deal is Senior Expert, Learning Design in the Management Consulting space. In tune with today’s work culture, this is a fully remote position. Her package is coming in sweet: from a $122K base plus 401K, benefits, annual bonus $25K to $172K base plus bonus of up to $43K annually, 12% 401(K) match, and family medical/dental $25/month. This came about as a result from answering a job posting. Paula fleshes it out: “D. also has strong relationships within the new company who supported her. VERY generous initial offer, she is very pleased with it. D. is discussing potential signing bonus and coverage for certifications, etc. as she is asked to get them or renew them.”
2. Asli Bilgin announces that T. and C. have landed.
-To begin, T. landed in six weeks! He stays global, globe-hopping from Retail & Consumer Durables to Machinery. His previous package tipped the scale at €107K; the new one weighs in at €154,700; nice jumping there, Asli!
-And also C. has landed her new job in exactly two months. She dived from Airlines & Aerospace to Maritime, and from Senior Legal Counsel to Compliance Director. Former comp €126,970, initial offer €159,528 accepted at €176,712.
3. Two months and two days is how long it took Lori Chevalier to help her client J. snag his new Management Consultant role at a retailer! His previous role as Commercial & Customer Experience Director for in the supply chain realm. He has remained in Retail & Consumer Durables. Lori explains: “J. was referred by one of his friends as an introduction to this company. He was offered the job ON THE SPOT! We conferred about this role and his proposing a management consulting position in lieu of a full-time role so he could build out a part-time consulting gig because everyone he called wanted him to make presentations or consult so he proposed an hourly rate and a set number of hours as he continues in his job search. Simultaneously, I provided an introduction to one of my clients, who is assisting him to build an app, which he is really enjoying. He is also planning on developing his side consulting business to assist him with this in future. Great job J. on all fronts!”
4. Waffles Natusch is proud to announce that B. snagged a sweet deal by expanding his human capital using old school UNP3; Christina Taylor set him up with targeted success and it paid off big time. He is now Managing Director of a marketing group in his career territory of advertising and marketing. The Client Concierge testifies: “The owner had promoted the General Manager to CEO when he stepped down a few years ago. B. is coming in as General Manager and the CEO is retiring in a year; he will be promoted.” At the end of this report, you will witness the client’s gratitude, so cool!
5. Isabelita Castilho reports in on clients E. and M.
-Returning client E. is joining a real estate investment trust company as Vice President – Accounting in the Finance & Financial Services industry. Isabelita shares the news: “E. signed up for the program and the first session was an interview prep instead of orientation. That was with the employer following on her successful interview with the third-party recruiter. She was successful and received an offer. We are today having the offer negotiation session, ‘fast and furious’; she didn’t even finish her personal survey (lol) and she already landed.” E. presents more details: “Hi Isabelita, A quick note on the progress. I met the company twice and discussed the details of the offer. I received more information about their comp plan, which includes car allowance, pension in addition to the main terms. They also offered a €20K sign up bonus to compensate for the gap for 2022. They would like me to start on [in a few months].”
-Meanwhile, M. had been a General Manager at a multinational conglomerate; now he is Associate – Partner at a logistics company, having gone from Manufacturing to Automotive.
M. explains, “Hi Isabelita, I hope that you are doing well. I do apologize for my introverted attitude! 🙂 Maybe we can have a short talk next week, something like 15 minutes. I’m writing this message in order to let you know that I have agreed with my ex-colleague from [my current company] (I told you months ago about this project) to become an associate for his company that is providing people-focused transformations for organizations and we just agreed the contract, starting this month. First will be one year contract (he has a big OEM car manufacturer), but highly probable this contract will be prolonged with another one year or much longer, depending on what customers will be in the next months acquired. I’m also financially comfortable with the conditions. I want to thank you and show my gratitude for your efforts and kind encouragements with which you supported me during the Barrett project. And I would appreciate if we can keep in touch for future and from time to time you may send me a short message and also have a short meeting. I wish you a nice day. -M.”
6. Julie Mathern updates us with news about S.
S. has secured a new role in a law firm. He had been a shareholder in a full-service business law firm. He remains in the Law Practice, Legal Services sector. Comp will be 170,000 + bonus. S. landed through UNP1. Here is his overview: “Dear Julie, I just accepted a position at a different law firm. I will be making $170K, but there are significant bonus provisions that can easily bump that amount up. The firm had a reputation for placing people in various in-house counsel positions. I know one of the attorneys. We were working on another case as opponents, but we get along well. I asked her at the end of the case if she could talk to the partner who has recommended several people over the years for such a position on my behalf. About 48 hours later, I received a call from the managing partner.
“We talked for a while and at first I wasn’t that interested. But as we kept talking, they had a solid compensation program. We talked again about every other day for about a week. When it came to negotiating, they wanted to offer what I made now plus three weeks of PTO. I got that up to the number above, 4 weeks of PTO, plus I have a significantly smaller billing requirement than the rest of the worker bees. And I appreciate your help. I presented some unique challenges including almost passing to the great beyond during our time. And yes, I almost did die. They asked my wife if my affairs were in order, did I want a priest or minister to come by, and that it was likely I would not make it through the night. Take care, S.”
7. Jayson Searle steps in with news from G. and K.
-G. has accepted a new role! His former title Senior Commercial Finance Manager, the new one is Senior Finance Business Partner in the Hospitals, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals sector. Offer came in at €80k + 20% Bonus (OTE €96k) + 700 stock every year (equivalent to €15k at current stock value). He was working through a 3rd Party Recruiter. “I worked on his self-image and business presence consistently trying to make the program fun so he would smile and laugh then getting him to remember the feeling, ‘revving him up’ for interviews so he would be upbeat / positive and reminding him to be ‘business smart’, which paid off. His current company was looking to restructure so he also wanted to align his exit to make the most of a redundancy package option (which we did, he received 4.7 months’ salary + Pro Rata bonus and his exit aligns perfectly with his commencement at his new company).”
-Also, K. skipped from CFO to Group CFO in the Online betting and gaming industry. Package: GBP £190k + 40% bonus (OTE : £266k) + 5x fixed salary as gifted stock + benefits. Another recruiter-held position. Jayson shares: “The client has been a joy to work with, receptive and positive right through the program, even during the various versions of self-doubt that popped up as he lacked confidence and belief in his true value to target companies. We worked together to help him uncover his skills register, zero in on the needs bias of target companies and align his value proposition to maximize impact, which means he’s more confident and much happier with the version of himself after our journey.”
K. shared this with Tomasz Lisewski: “Hi Tomasz, Jayson Searle may have told you that I had secured two offers with Sports Betting and Gaming businesses. A big thank you to you, Rebecca Gelencser and Jayson, as it would not have been possible without your help, guidance and support. Looking for that next role can be a very lonely and stressful experience, but Jayson and Rebecca were fantastic in keeping me energized and helped me believe in myself. That came through in the interviews. You have two fantastic individuals in your team. Let’s stay in touch!! Thanks, J.”
8. Dan Resendes and Waffles Natusch worked together to help L. land at a formal gown designer. She expresses, “OMG- thank you both for all your support and amazing coaching! I just got off the phone and I am getting more than I asked for! So very exciting: She was thrilled with the idea of me bringing new business to the table and adding another layer to the commission structure. She asked me what % I would be comfortable, or was used to, and I said I receive 1%. And she said I love this idea and I will give you 2%! She is changing the language to 15 boutiques to open and will change the language for the specialty stores for the couture collection instead to putting together a business plan for them for 2023.
Unfortunately, she can’t change the vacation days to 20, but we do get a weeks’ vacation on July 4th that is paid. She did change the policy from 6 months to 45 days to make sure my vacations are paid for. They have transit check, will give me a laptop, wifi reimbursement, buy me a printer for my home office, give me a phone (or pay for mine) and give me a company credit card. They do not have a clothing allowance, but she said she would give me a dress and thought that would be awesome. And they work 9-5 and have summer Fridays!!! And after we hung up, she just texted me and told me to change my starting salary to $155K! So excited. Thank you again! -L.” We’re so happy for you, L.!
9. V., Vivek Agarwal’s client, has done a career change from Finance & Financial Services to the Information Technology & Services sector, now that he’s accepted the offer from a business equipment finance company. His titles show the amazing change, from Vice President to a very colorful Solutions Architect/Manager moniker. Current salary- $150,000; New comp: $170,000 + 20% bonus + immigration fees.
10. Jerry Fronczak’s client A. is enjoying her new role as Vice President, Head of Investment & Data Systems in the insurance sector, having jettisoned the old job of Director, Enterprise Data in the Finance & Financial Services world. She grabbed the office with the three windows. Comp: $282,500.
11. P. brought us up to speed: “Hi Waffles, “Following our last calls, I wanted to let you know that I am in the process of signing a contract with [a multinational professional services company] following interviews with [an air navigation service provider]. This is allowing me to start my own structure and so I received confirmation today it is registered. I have a few other contacts and so things will develop.”
12. Z. is inking the deal with a healthcare technology company for an Account Director role. Waffles Natusch was pleased to assist him (Julie Mathern’s client) through the process. The package will bottom out in the $300K stratosphere level. Congratulations, S.! S. had something interesting happen just after accepting. He explains: “I just emailed [the healthcare technology company] to accept the offer and, within literal seconds of hitting send, I got a text from [the IT staffing company] saying they are meeting tomorrow to review and finalize my offer. Not sure what will actually materialize, but had to simply chuckle at the timing of things here…”
Offers Received:
1. Barbara Limmer’s client D. received the blessing of Vivek Agarwal. He has received his written offer from a major banking company; his new title will be Vice President, Video Platforms & Operations. With Vivek’s guidance, D. enjoyed a $40K bump, from $140k + 15k bonus to $180k + 15k bonus. The original job description was for Senior Manager. Expert negotiation assistance from Vivek helped D. get the offer up almost 29% to 180k base from 140k, almost 44% above what HR originally told him. Last question will be if they can help with any of his relo expenses, so this has not yet been accepted.
2. H. is working with Lori Chevalier and Waffles to tighten up the offer from the foodservice company. He reports, “Hi Lori, just received the verbal offer via the recruiter. It’s incredibly competitive. I’m quite happy. He did the negotiation before sharing it with me. Ask is that I process over the next 24 hours and come back to them with feedback, and we will likely proceed to written. All good things. Thank you for your support!”
Interviews Progress:
1. Paula Nordhoff’s client B. caught us up: “3 updates for you… [the manufacturing company] is scheduled for round 3 of interviews. I meet with the hiring manager and his HR business partner (together as a panel), then with a site head and a peer to the hiring manager (together as a panel). Each interview is ~1 hr. The VP of Ops interview went EXCEEDINGLY well. [The software company] is back in the picture. They just signed a contract and want my services. I am working on scheduling time to talk to the CEO to discuss the role more clearly. This would be a new line of business for them so I would be helping build it out.”
2. Jerry Fronczak reached out to SME Patti Vargas for her client J. and she drilled down on his interview skills. The role would be Senior Manager, Executive/Business Operations for a video game company. “I had my initial screening interview with a recruiter and she said I would be moving forward and asked for my availability to have the next interview. The next interview (the one this request is for) hasn’t been specifically scheduled yet, but I expect to hear any day and will have relatively short notice. The interview will be with the VP of Executive Operations, which is who I would report to directly and the Senior Director of Strategy and Business Operations.”
3. Isabelita Castilho’s client S. is progressing with an insurance company. He received this note. “Good day, thank you for the time you have taken to interview with the [team]. We are now completing the final recruitment stages for the COO role.”
4. Lori Chevalier reports in about R., T., E., G., and Q.
-First, R. is interviewing at a recruiting firm for Head of Leadership Advisory Services. R.’s third-party recruiter intros went out today – he sent Lori this note: “I was on a follow-up call with one of the executive search firms your folks sent my intro email to and it turned out to be with the CEO. We seemed to hit it off pretty well, so the call (Zoom) ended up going for an hour and he wants to consider me for a position with his company heading up his Leadership Advisory Services (they do consulting as well) so I think I’m going to be interviewing with some of his folks over the next week or two.” R. is progressing nicely within this company and had a conversation with the CEO last week and was introduced to the President this week. R. described it as a “unique boutique!”
-Second, T. is at a security software and hardware company for Global Sourcing, Manager of Analytics and Reporting. T. also has a 2nd interview with a business accelerator for Senior Procurement Specialist. A 30-minute interview turned into an hour and a great conversation!
-Third, E. had additional assistance from Vivek Agarwal with a second interview with a financing company. Vivek shares, “Met with E.; her expectations were 1) review her interview assessment questions and provide feedback 2) prepare for the interview for the Director of Colleague Strategic Partnerships. We addressed both.” She told us you were great, Vivek!
-Fourth, G. is interviewing at a home improvement store chain for Senior Manager, Private Label; Senior Manager, Supply chain. G. is presenting a case study for these two roles! Vivek adeptly prepared him for these interviews!
-Fifth, Q. is interviewing at a university for Director of Innovation. Upcoming for her include interviews with the search committee, Research and Innovation Division, representatives from the university’s Research Foundation, and with a larger group of administrators and faculty including deans, associate deans, development administrators, innovation champions. She is to make a 15-minute presentation at the beginning of each interview session.
5. Asli Bilgin shares that U. is progressing at an industrial vending company for Consultant Business Development. And F. is at an organization for entrepreneurs and employers for Program Director.
6. Julie Mathern’s clients K. and D. had interviews progress.
-To begin, K. interviewing for a Director of Shared Services role and shares, “A recruiter for them contacted me last week and we talked about the role, and I was scheduled for a first round today at 1 and it went so well I’m moving to the executive panel group. So, I’m excited it’s all moving fairly quickly.”
-And also, D. is pursing a Director, Indigenous Relations role with a convenience store company.
1. Lori Chevalier reports that A. is interviewing for a Strategic Sourcing Manager role with a lighting and building management company. A. notes, “Interview went wonderfully.” A. is also interviewing for a Commercial & Procurement Consultant opportunity with a supply company. “A. was contacted by an individual within the company for an interview!” A.’s schedule is complete with an interview for Procurement Solution opening. “A. applied to this role and was contacted for an interview! Go A.!”
2. Paula Nordhoff shares news from W. and M.
-First, W. reports, “Good Monday morning Paula, I wanted to give you a heads up and a request for a quick call when you have time. I received a call from the President of my previous company [a communications company] – he asked if I had any interest in returning to the company to manage his sub-dealers in a new program he is launching…I told him that I would be interested in learning more details about the role….we closed the conversation with he would schedule a 1.0/1.5 hour call to provide all the details. Thanks Paula! -W.”
-To continue, M. is at a restaurant, food, and beverage company for a Senior Director role.
3. Asli Bilgin has several clients with interviews lined up.
-First, N. is at an aerospace company for Site Director. The 1st Interview is with a 3rd Party Recruiter.
-Second, B. is interviewing for several companies in the pharmaceutical space for operations roles.
-Third, J. is at two vision-related companies for COO and CMO roles.
-Fourth, K. is at a strategic planning company for the role of Hospital Supply Chain & Logistics Lead Product Portfolio, Strategic Solutions
-Fifth, E. is at a med-tech company for a Business Development/Sales Director opportunity.
4. Debbie Brupbacher reports that H. is at a software company for a Business Development and Sales Manager role.
5. Barbara Limmer and SME Vivek Agarwal are working to prepare L. for an interview in the finance industry for a Senior Director opportunity.
6. Anne Lipsitz notes that I. is at a hospital company for Senior Director Gift Planning.
7. Julie Mathern shares that G. is pursing two opportunities: for a Director, Environmental Services role and for a Lead, Human Environment role.
8. Isabelita Castilho’s client S. is at a business management company for Executive Interim Provider. S. shares, “Good teams call with HR consultant, discussion on profile, fit and onboarding process. Clarified in some detail my skills & competencies (PE, Business Development, Leadership, Growth). agreed to send (slightly tweaked) CV (done) and she will share link to establish profile. She will assign me to one of their industry directors (energy?) who will then have a detailed onboarding discussion with me.”
9. Barbara Limmer’s client P. is at an online real estate company for Director of Operations. The Technical Sourcing recruiter was referred to P. by another internal recruiter after being declined for three other jobs he applied to.
1. Client kudos for Vivek and Lori Chevalier: “Lori, your hours of support and coaching have been invaluable – thank you for helping me prep for the earlier interviews. I just got an email from HR wanting to talk on the phone this afternoon, as they have an offer prepped for me. Thank you again for all your help Vivek, I was able to weave all of your suggestions into the presentation and it went swimmingly.”
2. Barbara got this from client U., who was questioning whether he should do more after sending thank you notes and not hearing anything yet after his second round of interviews (this was only 2 days later): “Thanks for the feedback, Barbara Limmer! Always valuable and always appreciated. You are great at walking me away from the ledge! It’s my eagerness to get out of dodge driving my need to follow-up.”
3. From Ramsey Penegar about the writing team: This week, the writing team has completed 55 client writing tasks with another 17 tasks currently on the drawing board. In the last month, the writers have completed 189 total projects. The heavyweight championship belts go to… Anicia Hogan (16.4% of the month’s workflow) and Lora Hirschhorn (18% of the week’s workload)! Thank you for your dedication to writing excellence & producing career search documents that get the results our clients deserve!