Fifty Shades of Hurray!


As we look back at the second quarter, we can report solid success for our clients. Fifty-three of our clients landed executive jobs during that quarter—in the middle of an economic crisis and pandemic. Hurray!

These clients deserve a lot of the credit because career change is not a walk in the park. It requires discipline and focus. They were supported by our talented team of consultants and five additional members of each client team. This team provides the research, writing, negotiation support, etc. that goes into each successful landing.

Following our program is a key consideration. Our clients do not land primarily through recruiters or published opportunities but rather through the unpublished market. Because these jobs are never actually published, there is less competition and, typically, higher compensation.

Of the clients who signed on in 2019 or 2020, the average landing time was 26 weeks from start to finish. The median was just 24 weeks. (Please visit our Hiring Line website for more anecdotal information about these client landings.) Our clients landed in a broad swath of industries as listed here below:


Fifty Shades of Hurray! Client Landings by Industry in Q2 2020 graphic


As far as industries go, consulting topped the bill. Financial services, technology, on-line retail, and retail/wholesale came in as strong seconds. Followed by digital marketing and information technology.

One of the secrets to our success is that we pay a lot of attention to the career targets.

Clients set these targets before they begin the career search program. Would they be happier, more fulfilled, or more highly remunerated on some other career track? These are some of the questions we work hard to answer up front. That is why we help clients reconsider their careers more holistically during the initial Targeting step (the Clarity Program©) of their five-step career change program. And clearly, most clients see the value of this step, in spite of their sense of urgency to get on with the search. For example:

As far as the Clarity Coaching Program is concerned, I feel that it is very worthwhile as it is and the key to its success is to get truly involved in it and Katie [John’s Clarity Coach] made sure that I did, so I really did obtain a lot from it. I would suggest that the Clarity Coaching Program should be highly suggested, if not mandatory, because I can see how one would be missing a great opportunity to grow and expand, if one chooses to skip the Clarity Coaching Program and dive right into the second step of the overall process! I am glad I chose to participate!

John Shettino, June 2020

It is understandably true that some clients come to us with unclear career objectives.

These clients may be re-entering the job market or feel the pressure of competition in their previous industry. Let us explore the motivations of two important sets of clients over the last six months. The data set comprises more than 100 clients in total.

Fifty Shades of Hurray! Clients' motivation for Contracting The Barrett Group graphic

Clients in the US were much more likely to have been unemployed when they came to us (41% in the US vs. 15% in Europe). US clients were also much more likely to affirm that they have “set career goals” (78% in the US vs. 39% in Europe), although 27-32% also said they were undecided about their career direction. Interestingly, both groups gave their Clarity Coaches high marks (85% “Excellent” in Europe and 91% in the US).

Judging by the numbers above, in general, US clients seem to be less satisfied with their working life at the outset than Europeans, though the latter group did cite “antagonistic or unprofessional environment” more frequently than their US counterparts.

What about clients’ expectations when they came to the Barrett Group in the first place?

Overall, there are no big surprises in the data. Having an effective job search campaign was the most important expectation for both groups followed by “access to decision makers.”

We think perhaps the consistent margin by which the US clients demonstrate higher expectations on all categories may have to do with the fact that career management is a little better known in the US than in Europe, though many executives on both continents have also never heard of us (yet).

Again, we are ecstatic that so many of our clients have succeeded even during the current difficult conditions—more than fifty in the last quarter. Hurray!

But you do not have to take our word for it. Here is how one client responded to the news recently released on LinkedIn:

Whether you have already been spinning your wheels searching for a new challenge or are just getting started, contact us if you want to accelerate your career search. Clearly, The Barrett Group can help.

Peter Irish
The Barrett Group

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